Elder Scrolls Online - Test Squadron


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
We've reached 50 members, that means guild store has been enabled for us. I've no idea how it works but all member ranks should be able to buy and sell in the store, so feel free to experiment.
I have been leveling crafting, should be able to put 24 below stuff on there :D


Overwatch Room
Staff member
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
hey guys, we're trying to get a big group together for pvp sometime later today. Time will depend on every ones availability.


Space Marshal
Dec 25, 2015
RSI Handle
Was running around in cryodil over the weekend, was fun but I mainly kept getting insta killed by vet ranked toons. Sunday three of us were running shards and lore books in cryodil which was tons of fun, best time was when some vet surprised us and tried to gank us all but we came together as a team and burned him to the ground. Great job guys :)


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I might hop on sometimes. Name's Izranel

Stee Jans

Grand Admiral
Sep 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Was running around in cryodil over the weekend, was fun but I mainly kept getting insta killed by vet ranked toons. Sunday three of us were running shards and lore books in cryodil which was tons of fun, best time was when some vet surprised us and tried to gank us all but we came together as a team and burned him to the ground. Great job guys :)
I suggest switching to the Blackwater Blade campaign. It's non-vet only. I used to create characters, level them to 15 in PvE then up to V1 in PvP, delete the character and repeat.


Sticker King
May 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Was running around in cryodil over the weekend, was fun but I mainly kept getting insta killed by vet ranked toons. Sunday three of us were running shards and lore books in cryodil which was tons of fun, best time was when some vet surprised us and tried to gank us all but we came together as a team and burned him to the ground. Great job guys :)
Cyrodil can be good fun when in a decent size group :)

Although, mind you, I tend to wander around on my own a lot...
Probably why I keep getting rekt :D


Grand Admiral
Jul 28, 2015
RSI Handle
So I posted this into the Discord media channel a while ago, but forgot to post it here. Below is a picture of my current UI for ESO. I've installed around 5-8 addons and they're pretty awesome. Currently, the addons add the minimap, party status, personal health, mana, and stamina bars (with numerical values), XP bar, and current location (just above minimap). Not pictured are several alerts that pop up to the left of my character when I have low health, mana, or stamina as well as some status effects and damage numbers like in most MMOs. You don't have to add it all, if you just want a minimap, that's perfectly doable. It's entirely a la carte.

If anyone is interested, just let me know. If not, please ignore. :)
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I've installed around 5-8 addons and they're pretty awesome.
Are you using Auto Loot? That one is amazing. Just hit E on one corpse and it loots all in a radius. Also I think I have a few that show harvestable locations as well as Skyshards.

Pick up Minion addon manager as well. If it's still used. It'll update all your addons with the click of one button.
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Grand Admiral
Jul 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Are you using Auto Loot? That one is amazing. Just hit E on one corpse and it loots all in a radius. Also I think I have a few that show harvestable locations as well as Skyshards.

Pick up Minion addon manager as well. If it's still used. It'll update all your addons with the click of one button.
Spot on with everything you said. Minion is a little clunky at first, but it's much easier than manually installing addons/mods. I am using Auto Loot as well as the addon that shows locations of skyshards. I don't think I have one for harvestable material. I might reach back out to the friend I referred to in my first post to have him update his addon. I found it pretty useful - it was a way to much more easily swap which quickslot item you were using.


Grand Pooh-Bear
Jan 25, 2014
RSI Handle

Necro Time!

In a 100% spur of the moment, impromptu decision, We are diving back into ESO! We have four other staff members that came back on board as well.

Current Sale:
https://isthereanydeal.com/#/search:Elder Scrolls Online;/scroll:#gamelist
At the time of this posting, ESO is 65% off and gold edition is 50% off. Get the base game for a mere $14!

We have a Test Squadron Guild! We currently have 50 members and everybody is welcome. With enough players interested, we will organize events for dungeons, PvP and random questing.

Want To Join?
Simply post here with your account name (@something) and we can all get added to friends list and an invitation to the guild will be sent.

Questions about the game?
Ask in this thread and hopefully we can get an answer for you!

Recent Updates: (Below are the 2016 major updates to the game)

Update 13 - Featuring Housing
Coming Q1 2017 - IGN Article

Housing has been announced as being worked on for some time now. ZOS has been pretty mum on the subject but they did let loose that housing will be coming in "the first quarter of next year" in an IGN interview shortly after BE3 2016. Since then ZOS has many times reiterated that housing is indeed "next" after One Tamriel.

"Housing Prep" has leaked into the game over the last two major updates and you can see the exteriors of some of the houses by watching these videos made by /u/hero_of_none

Update 12 - One Tamriel
Coming October 5, 2016 - ESO BE3 Presentation (1h 36m 25s)


With One Tamriel, we are opening up the entire playable world to everyone, no matter their level. This is a pretty big deal. One Tamriel makes the game much more grouping and social-friendly, as the player base will no longer be divided into thirds and also won't be divided by player level. The reasons we are doing this are simple: we want to make it easier for ESO players to group together, and to promote the sense of freedom to explore that Elder Scrolls games are known for. In other words, we're bringing the same auto-leveling system (called “battle leveling") that has been so successful in our DLCs to the entire game.

Here are the basics:

  • Characters will have their level scaled the same way that we currently scale players to the level of DLC zones (Imperial City, Orsinium, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood).

  • You will be able to explore the entire world in any sequence you wish - just walk across the world and you will always find appropriately leveled content.

  • You will be able to play and group with anyone in the game at any time (outside of PvP). No longer will you have to create a lower level character to play with a friend who has just joined the game. You will be able to group and adventure together from the moment your friend emerges from the tutorial.

  • We are dropping all PvE Alliance restrictions. You will be free to explore of all Tamriel, including other Alliances. It is up to you how you want to role-play your character while doing this. “Silver" and “gold" versions of zones will be replaced by Cadwell quest storylines that you can do in any order you wish.

  • Alliance restrictions will still be enforced in all PvP areas, of course. One Tamriel will not affect the PvP systems in Cyrodiil.

  • In general, higher level players will be the same “level" as lower level players, but they will have far more tools in their arsenal: better gear, more abilities, and of course more Champion points.

  • We will adjust gear rewards to scale appropriately to make sure that there is always a way to get more powerful via crafting, questing, PvP, and dungeon/trial boss loot drops.

  • All Trials and Dungeons will continue with standard and Veteran difficulty modes, and you will have to be Veteran level to play veteran dungeon modes.

  • The Coldharbour zone will be “roped off" from players who have not yet completed the quests that lead there. However, if you are invited to a group that is already there, or travel to a friend who is there, you can immediately access the zone.
We're really proud of the changes, updates, and content we've added to The Elder Scrolls Online over the last year plus, and to be able to welcome millions of new players to Tamriel has been incredibly rewarding and makes the game that much better. We're thankful for all of you for playing and helping us make ESO better every day.

We will have much more information about upcoming updates and One Tamriel over the course of the summer and into the fall. Please stay tuned for more details, and until then, see you in Tamriel!


Update 11 - Shadows of The Hist
Released: August 1, 2016 - Patch Notes

YouTube: The Elder Scrolls Online: Cradle of Shadows

- YouTube: The Elder Scrolls Online: Welcome to Shadows of the Hist

  • Shadows of the Hist (DLC Game Pack)
    • Cradle of Shadows: The Argonians of the Dark Brotherhood need your help against a cadre of rogue assassins who threaten to hurl all of Black Marsh into bloody chaos. Fight your way into the Cradle of Shadows to uncloak the secrets of the twisted Silken Ring!
    • Ruins of Mazzatun: Venture into Mazzatun, the “Puzzle City" of the Xit-Xaht tribe of Argonians, who have been forcing other Lizardfolk to work as slave labor on a project that has driven their masters mad! Can you free them in time?
    • Both the Cradle of Shadows and Ruins of Mazzatun dungeons feature three new item sets, challenging new achievements with an appearance reward, and a new monster mask set.
  • Base Game Patch
    • Console text chat
    • Aetherian Archive and Hel Ra Citadel Trial improvements, including Normal and Veteran modes, revamped rewards, and level scaling
    • Dragonstar Arena improvements, including increased monster difficulty and revamped rewards
    • The ability to trade bind-on-pickup items to group members in dungeons and Trials
    • The introduction of the Cyrodiil town capture system
    • Costume Dyeing (exclusive to ESO Plus members)
    • Dye Stamps (Crown Store)
    • Style Parlor (Crown Store)
    • Champion Point cap increase, from 501 to 531
    • Rebalancing and adjustments to Racial Passive abilities
    • Improved rewards from Undaunted reward chests (Gold, Silver, and Bronze)
    • Improved Clothier Surveys
    • New achievements for completing Hel Ra Citadel and Aetherian Archive at Champion 160
    • Ability tooltip tags that display the primary role for certain abilities
    • Ongoing Cyrodiil performance improvements
    • 17 updated item sets that now drop at Champion 160
      • Six available in Aetherian Archive
      • Seven available in Hel Ra Citadel
      • Four available in Dragonstar Arena
    • Four new crafting styles: Order of the Hour, Dark Brotherhood, dro-m'Athra, and Minotaur

Update 10 - The Dark Brotherhood
Released: May 31, 2016 - Patch Notes

YouTube: The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood – First Look

- YouTube: The Elder Scrolls Online: Dark Brotherhood – Official Trailer

  • Dark Brotherhood (DLC Game Pack)
    • Access to join the Dark Brotherhood and become an assassin for hire
    • The Gold Coast, available to characters of all levels, where you can explore Anvil and Kvatch for the first time since The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    • A new passive skill line, exclusive to members of the Dark Brotherhood
    • Hours of exciting story content and quests that will have you revisiting your favorite areas of Tamriel
    • New repeatable activities, including:
      • Bounty Quests: The Dark Brotherhood is not the only group on the Gold Coast who offers gold for martial expertise. Daily bounties await you in the cities of Anvil and Kvatch.
        • Take on these quests to conquer delves, battle in the Kvatch Arena, or vanquish a monstrous minotaur!
      • Contract Kill Quests: Elam Drals, the dry-humored Dark Elf assassin that maintains the Dark Brotherhood's books, diligently keeps a ledger of those whose deaths can be bought with mere gold.
        • Travel across the length and breadth of Tamriel to assassinate marked targets or engage in bloody sprees at the behest of the Dark Brotherhood.
      • Sacrament Quests: Speaker Terenus, an agent of the Black Hand, haunts the Gold Coast Sanctuary to offer the most sacred of missions to assassins of the Dark Brotherhood.
        • Breaking into secured subterranean locations to slaughter targets invoked by the performance of the Black Sacrament. Avoid guards, disable traps, and complete bonus objectives to achieve the highest levels of prestige and reward.
    • The Litany of Blood, a Dark Brotherhood kill mission with targets all around Tamriel

    • Two new delves, Hrota Cave and Garlas Agea, featuring all-new challenges and rewards

    • Two all-new world boss encounters: The Kvatch Arena and Limenauruus the minotaur at Tribune's Folly

    • Powerful new gear, unique crafting styles, and other rewards inspired by the deadly Dark Brotherhood
      • The new Assassin personality
      • Three new crafted item sets
      • Three new item sets available in the Gold Coast
      • Two new costumes awarded for completing quests in the Gold Coast
      • Two new Mementos and one new Polymorph for earning specific achievements in the Gold Coast
      • The new Viridian Venom Dye, for completing a specific achievement
    • The Assassins League crafting style

    • A brand new in-game musical score, inspired by the Dark Brotherhood and Gold Coast
  • Base Game Patch
    • The removal of Veteran Ranks
    • Poison-Making, for those who want to be especially nasty to their enemies
    • Toggle-able nameplates for all characters
    • Character name display for Xbox One and PlayStation®4
    • Item locking to help prevent accidental deconstruction of your most valuable items
    • Further improvements to and new features for the Grouping Tool, including a group ready check, vote-to-kick system, and updated queue timer
    • Tons of updates to the Crown Store, including additional character slots, motif previews, and—are you ready for this?—hats! (You can even wear hats with costumes, now!)
    • Craft Bags, for storing nearly unlimited crafting materials, included with an ESO Plus membership
    • Improvements and adjustments to Item Traits
    • Ongoing Cyrodiil performance improvements
    • Sanctum Ophidia Trial scaling, rebalancing, and the addition of a Normal and Veteran mode
    • Balance improvements to combat and gameplay abilities, including the Fighters Guild skill line, Vampires, and stamina abilities
    • Revamped store contents for vendors in Cyrodiil, including Champion 160 gear
    • The Elite Gear vendor now features the item sets introduced in the Thieves Guild DLC
    • Nine revamped item sets available from Sanctum Ophidia
    • Two new crafting styles
    • Abah's Watch: Available from large laundered shipments of goods that the Thieves Guild distributes
    • Thieves Guild: Available from completing Heists to the highest standards of the Thieves Guild
    • …and more!

Blood will flow. A guild of assassins rises to power in Tamriel, and your murderous talents make you a prime recruit. For the first time in The Elder Scrolls Online, join the Dark Brotherhood and carve your own destiny in their bloody future.

The Dark Brotherhood is looking for a few good killers. Explore the Gold Coast and discover if you have what it takes to join the ranks of Tamriel's master assassins in the Dark Brotherhood DLC game pack. From the port city of Anvil to the Great Cathedral of Kvatch, the business of the Brotherhood consists of murder and mayhem—and business is good! Join the Brotherhood, enter the Sanctuary, and accept your first contract from the mysterious Speaker. Kill well, assassin!

Update 9 - Thieves Guild
Released: March 7, 2016 - Patch Notes

YouTube: The Elder Scrolls Online: Introduction to Thieves Guild

- YouTube: The Elder Scrolls Online: Join the Thieves Guild

  • Thieves Guild (DLC Game Pack)
    • Hew's Bane, a new zone available to characters of all levels and home of Abah's Landing, the Thieves Guild headquarters
    • A challenging new 12-player Trial: The Maw of Lorkhaj
    • A new passive skill line, exclusive to members of the Thieves Guild
    • Hours of exciting story content and quests that will have you revisiting your favorite areas of Tamriel
    • A new Larceny System that includes repeatable activities such as heists, pickpocketing, stealing, and more
      • Guild Job Quests: Kari, a precise Nord woman who keeps accounts of the guild's finances, as well as accounts of information and rumors runs the Guild Job Board.
        • Travel all around Tamriel doing jobs for the Thieves Guild. These include pickpocketing, unlocking safeboxes, gathering items for consignment requests, and more.
      • Heist Quests: Find Fa'ren-dar, a tough male Khajiit who works on the far side of the Den, near the sewer drain exit. He runs the Heist Board.
        • Thieves Guild heists require sneaking, avoiding traps, and getting in and out of special instanced heist areas with your prize—earn special bonuses for completing the heists undetected and within the time limit!
      • Reacquisitions Quests: Seek out Spencer Rye, a fancy Breton man who runs the Reacquisitions Board, which is set up just outside the Thieves Den.
        • Kill group bosses and complete delves in Hew's Bane.
    • Two new delves, Bahraha's Gloom and Shark's Teeth Grotto, featuring all-new challenges and rewards

    • Two all-new formidable world bosses

    • Powerful new gear, unique crafting styles, and other rewards inspired by the Thieves Guild

    • The Outlaw crafting style

    • Assistants, new non-combat followers you can summon that provide a service

    • Brand new in-game musical score, inspired by the Thieves Guild and Hammerfell region
  • Base Game Patch
    • A 64-bit client for PC and Mac
    • Improvements to grouping, including incentives and the ability to queue up via the Group Finder with friends and guild members, regardless of their alliance!
    • Tons of combat and gameplay balance improvements
    • Scrolling combat text (SCT)
    • Improvements and updates to Cyrodiil and its campaigns
    • Access to content from other alliances in any order you choose upon reaching Veteran Rank 1
    • Prioritization of animations during combat
    • Six new item sets available from the Alliance War leaderboards and Rewards for the Worthy mails
    • Six new crafting styles
      • Three Alliance Motifs: Found in chests in Cyrodiil and Imperial City
      • Malacath: Received from Orsinium Daily World Boss quests
      • Soul-Shriven: Received from completing the Cadwell's Silver quest (automatically granted to those who have completed this quest)
      • Trinimac: Received from Orsinium Daily Delve quests
    • …and more!

Play dirty, get away clean. The life of a thief can be as lucrative as it is thrilling, especially as a member of the infamous Thieves Guild. For the first time in The Elder Scrolls Online, join the Thieves Guild and be swept up in a whirlwind of mischief, subterfuge, and of course, plenty of pilfering.

Set in a desert peninsula called Hew's Bane, the Thieves Guild DLC game pack brings you to Hammerfell locations never before seen in an Elder Scrolls game. Abah's Landing, the opulent jewel of Hew's Bane, is not only one of the most elaborate cities in The Elder Scroll Online, it's also home to the Thieves Guild. Be ever aware of your surroundings while in Abah's Landing—the network of back alleys, narrow catwalks, and secluded alcoves hide more than a few secrets.
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Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
wall of text

ok i'm downloading :/


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Damn they're optimistic about my age.... got 65! I dunno if I'll even last that long, that's a couple more years away than I am :D


Space Marshal
Dec 25, 2015
RSI Handle
Redownloaded this last night, it's been awhile, so i will spend this week re-familiarizing and setting my skills. Looking forward to seeing you guys online. My in game name is Havlin.
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Grand Pooh-Bear
Jan 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Redownloaded this last night, it's been awhile, so i will spend this week re-familiarizing and setting my skills. Looking forward to seeing you guys online. My in game name is Havlin.
I was the same way. I ended up starting a new character so I can begin fresh!

Once I get home from work I will send you an invite.
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