Virtual Ace advertising KICKED members as Aerospace Alliance members!


Vice Admiral
Jul 19, 2017
RSI Handle
ALERT VIRTUAL ACE!!! Why do you still have myself and 5 others advertised as a member of your Organization who you have kicked atleast 7 months ago now?!!? I do not want to be advertised as associate of you Virtual Ace or Aerospace Alliance. Delete me from your griefing troll image. You said you wanted to let this fade into the ether but the reality is you won't let go. You are provoking a response with this prolonged action and I am giving you one. It's long over due. Why have this image on your main Org page? [RESOLVED]

Virtual Drama Queen.png

So moving on Virtual Ace kicked me on 18/01/17 by email because of my PM responses to Husker222 who reached out to me about him getting kicked by VA. In his defense against VA's very offensive false accusations and hostile treatment of the Starcitizen community in general that I was already witnessing by this point I snapped. I had enough. So I vented to Husker222 how I was feeling for quite some time already and as you will see VA copied pasted the images of my responses to Husker222 in this initial email by VA to myself. Note Huskers are not included. Only mine.

The first message the day I was kicked.PNG

Here is a capture of the emails between Husker222 and VA that eventually lead to me being kicked. By default VirtualAce, you had every right to kick me personally. No one would disagree with that. Just stop associating yourself and your Org with people who aren't in it.

Husker222 & VAss.PNG

Husker222 used what I said to him in PM as ammunition against VA and I don't blame him. However I knew it was possible before I sent the message. I suspected him to do exactly that and to no surprise he did. Back to the main question.


I want nothing to do with you or any Aerospace Alliance members or affiliates that condone your inexcusable Slander of some of the Starcitizen community both in game and outside of the game over the past year.

Having this discord image of non AA members for atleast 7 months now only says a few things. Tell me which is it?

1.You are trying to besmirch my name by associating yourself and Aerospace Alliance with me.

2. You don't want to lose the image of the maximum number of players you've had on at any one time since AA started over a year ago.

3. You are trying to up hold the lie you told me you were going to tell the other Org members of why I wasn't with the Organization any longer. NOTE: SEE IMAGES BELOW FOR EVIDENCE

4. Or is it ALL OF THE ABOVE?!?!?!

Here is Virtual Ace conspiring for the second time with what lies he is willing to tell other AA members about why I am not with the Org. WHY LIE about it? Also Husker222 has a pirate Org. The problem with you virtual is you don't realize just because someone is a pirate doesn't make them a troll or a bad person.
VA exuses cont..PNG

My response:

Bluetek response to VA.PNG

So what do you all think? I hope this helps clear some questions. More then anything, anyone who has the ability to message VA please send this to him so I can be off everything Aerospace Alliance! I'm fine with KoS if it makes him feel better. Just so it's clear I don't want anything to do with AA. He has blocked me on discord , email and RSI. Or he just ignores me. Either way I need a filter to get to him and I know this forum is the best bet!

Thank you TEST! For letting me use your forums and the support against the toxic side of the Starcitizen community! It pains me to even say that is an actual reality :(
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
ordinarily I would say, just move on with your life

but if VirtualAss is besmirching your name by associating it with his, you have a valid beef

what can you do so that he will be embarrassed to have his name associated with yours?
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Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Okay, he want others to belief, that you're still a member of his org, he hates TEST.
My solution be loud about how cool TEST is and how proud you are to be a Member of it.
And well, okay, ehm, hmm forgett about it and eat Cookies instead.
He is right you know ^. if you become loud and proud of test VA will hate your guts :D


Vice Admiral
Jul 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Well I do appreciate Test letting me do this considering it's not your problem. People have been asking me questions and raising suspicions of me regarding this image. It's been 6 months since I saw this old discord image of me when I was in the ORg. How much longer am I supposed to wait? I just find him doing this invasive.

I have every reason to appreciate Test Squadron for letting me post here in attempt to try and resolve my issue that is non of yours.

Test is awesome for it's positive impact on the community. Not to mention ambition.

If you're not in TEST, You're not the BEST

Too much? Probably but I don't care


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
VA should be embarrassed to associate himself with people hes kicked. That's my logic. I defended someone and took the heat. I should be ashamed lol
Having your name in an old screenshot is not a big deal, Im sure it was just an oversight which he will correct now that you pointed it out.

The bigger issue here is something you touched on further down when you said "He talks about no drama, but he is the biggest drama queen...(in Star Citizen)".

This pisses me off because I want to be the biggest drama queen!

I will not rest until the title is mine!!!!


May 23, 2017
RSI Handle
Having your name in an old screenshot is not a big deal, Im sure it was just an oversight which he will correct now that you pointed it out.

The bigger issue here is something you touched on further down when you said "He talks about no drama, but he is the biggest drama queen...(in Star Citizen)".

This pisses me off because I want to be the biggest drama queen!

I will not rest until the title is mine!!!!
Not enough Drama in this post.... Go practice young Princess

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This pisses me off because I want to be the biggest drama queen!

I will not rest until the title is mine!!!!
I recommend finding more org drama to very publicly make fun of. And maybe some PMs to drama org leaders that you can then screenshot and post here on the TEST forums.

Also acting lessons, start wearing My Little Pony tee-shirts, throw in a tiara, and stomp your foot and have temper tantrums often.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Having your name in an old screenshot is not a big deal, Im sure it was just an oversight which he will correct now that you pointed it out.

The bigger issue here is something you touched on further down when you said "He talks about no drama, but he is the biggest drama queen...(in Star Citizen)".

This pisses me off because I want to be the biggest drama queen!

I will not rest until the title is mine!!!!
sorry, but you hold way to many man cards to classify as a drama queen.
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