Been awhile...ship help :/


Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle
So it has been over 2 years since I've touched the pledge store and I'm sure the meaning behind some of the ships have pivoted since then. So here's a list of my ships and the reasoning I remember buying them:

Aurora LX - required for test..blot out the sky
315p - needed some sort of explore ship
Dragonfly Yellowjacket - dunno looked cool. needed something for the ground?
P72 - don't remember why i wanted a tiny fighter lol
350r - that whole lore thing with speedy stealth missions. wanted it for scout/buzz in and out of the battlefield etc
Freelancer MIS - the missile ship looked awesome. use as a fighter and small cargo run when needed.
Starfarer - money maker and free fuel when i need it?
Crucible - wanted it to be able to be able to repair found/down ships and acquire them.

My main goals in the game were to make money, explore and pirate a bit. What ships are worth holding and which ones would be worth melting for something better now? Is the Crucible worth keeping because it seems like it's more of a support ship than a money making one at this point. Also to note the 315p is from AMD package and worthless to melt and the aurora is my game package and can't melt. Thanks :D


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Starfarer -> making money -> keep it
Mis -> fighting (comes in 3.4 (hopefully)) -> maybe upgrade
315p -> explorer -> maybe upgrade
crucible -> we don't know much -> keep it

the rest shouldn't be needed and could be melted towards other ships.
I personally would upgrade the 315p to a more decent explorer (DUR, Carrack, whatever is in your budget). The MIS is pretty rare and we don't know much about it. Might be very expensive as combat ships because it relys on missiles.

Another way would be if you're into mining to keep the 315p and maybe get into the mining buisness with a prospector. You could use the 315p to scout for mining spots (not implemented yet) and mine youself to those sweet crunchy roids.

(personal opinion provided on your profile)
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So it has been over 2 years since I've touched the pledge store and I'm sure the meaning behind some of the ships have pivoted since then. So here's a list of my ships and the reasoning I remember buying them:

Aurora LX - required for test..blot out the sky
315p - needed some sort of explore ship
Dragonfly Yellowjacket - dunno looked cool. needed something for the ground?
P72 - don't remember why i wanted a tiny fighter lol
350r - that whole lore thing with speedy stealth missions. wanted it for scout/buzz in and out of the battlefield etc
Freelancer MIS - the missile ship looked awesome. use as a fighter and small cargo run when needed.
Starfarer - money maker and free fuel when i need it?
Crucible - wanted it to be able to be able to repair found/down ships and acquire them.
A very nice lineup of ships that you have there. Given that the 3xx & Freelancer series of ships are scheduled to have their updates released "Soon(tm)", I'd advise hanging onto them for the time being until you get the chance to check out what they will become at that point. If you are thinking of upgrading any of them without melting them, then during the Anniversary sale you should at some point be able to purchase an upgrade from x to y that you can wait to apply after you check out how they turn out.

Also to note the 315p is from AMD package and worthless to melt and the aurora is my game package and can't melt. Thanks :smile:
You upgraded a limited edition Omega into a 315p? While at 1st I thought of doing that to mine for an Avenger Stalker, I'm so beyond grateful to myself that I managed to resist that urge. Whenever I see that somebody else did that to theirs, I get a massive cringe throughout my body.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Lets be honest here you have a few ships you have invested a fair deal already, what do you want to spend if any? The P72 looks like an LTI token but you only need that if you want another bigger ship.

Your small priced ships I would melt or LTI up using that cost to something you really want as long as you have the one run around ship for you the MIS freelancer. There is a cheaper way to get into repair the Vulcan but I think the starfarer and cruicible are keepers. So I would keep three MIS the starfarer and cruicible and get one other ship with the cash and not put anymore in.

The way star citizen is you should not expect to get every base covered by ships without spending a fortune (I know I have tried). You have ways to raise cash in game so plan that way.

The 300 series is getting a remake but even so that size price ship do not seem overly a good investment.


Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Lets be honest here you have a few ships you have invested a fair deal already, what do you want to spend if any? The P72 looks like an LTI token but you only need that if you want another bigger ship.

Your small priced ships I would melt or LTI up using that cost to something you really want as long as you have the one run around ship for you the MIS freelancer. There is a cheaper way to get into repair the Vulcan but I think the starfarer and cruicible are keepers. So I would keep three MIS the starfarer and cruicible and get one other ship with the cash and not put anymore in.

The way star citizen is you should not expect to get every base covered by ships without spending a fortune (I know I have tried). You have ways to raise cash in game so plan that way.

The 300 series is getting a remake but even so that size price ship do not seem overly a good investment.

looks like most people response is basically wait and see so i think that's what i'm gonna do. thanks everyone. but you pretty much nailed the sentiment that i really don't want to put any more into the game. kinda regret getting this far but i know i'm not the only one haha. like god damn pokemon.

i think wait and see what happens with the 350r but i am leaning on melting that along with the other smalls then aiming for an orion i think. i do also have a ccu saved for the crucible to redeemer so that's an option out of the crucible worst case i guess.


Dec 24, 2017
RSI Handle
looks like most people response is basically wait and see so i think that's what i'm gonna do. thanks everyone. but you pretty much nailed the sentiment that i really don't want to put any more into the game. kinda regret getting this far but i know i'm not the only one haha. like god damn pokemon.

i think wait and see what happens with the 350r but i am leaning on melting that along with the other smalls then aiming for an orion i think. i do also have a ccu saved for the crucible to redeemer so that's an option out of the crucible worst case i guess.
I'd highly recommend trying to get an Orion CCU off the greymarket. Chances are it may increase in price at the anniversary sale, and if it does, it will be by a lot. I'm expecting it to end up in the 500-600 range.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I do not agree with this as you have credit already. The ship has been surprisingly resilient to price increases because in my opinion they have not sold enough mining ships. Its not my money if it went up a lot just get something else. (Star citizen has shown me already not to fall for a ship for me was caterpillar effectively an expensive poorly armed cargo freighter with limited cargo capacity).

They have already said they have target numbers for ships (i.e. do not want everyone being a pirate with no bounty hunters or no industrialists (their prey). Two ships that got over sold where the Polaris and the Blade (I suspect the blade has been melted a lot so probably this doesn't apply). For others the mining profession is meant to support ship and base building (all be it with NPCs) and does not look an exciting profession (I own an orion by the way) so I believe they are undersold which keeps the price down.
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Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I do not agree with this as you have credit already. The ship has been surprisingly resilient to price increases because in my opinion they have not sold enough mining ships. Its not my money if it went up a lot just get something else. (Star citizen has shown me already not to fall for a ship for me was caterpillar effectively an expensive poorly armed cargo freighter with limited cargo capacity).

They have already said they have target numbers for ships (i.e. do not want everyone being a pirate with no bounty hunters or no industrialists (their prey). Two ships that got over sold where the Polaris and the Blade (I suspect the blade has been melted a lot so probably this doesn't apply). For others the mining profession is meant to support ship and base building (all be it with NPCs) and does not look an exciting profession (I own an orion by the way) so I believe they are undersold which keeps the price down.
Wait for it, it will be good soon™
I'm sure it will be


Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle
so i took the input i got from here and switched things around. forgot about the buyback so that helped a lil. found an orion ccu on reddit and applied that to the starfarer i had and bought back a starG.

didn't quite understand the store credit thing with buybacks to i'm left with $40 credit to upgrade something or maybe buy a hull b? also have the crucible to reclaimer ccu in waiting just in case. but for now the fleet is:

Crucible, Orion, StarG, Freelancer MIS, 315p and Aurora LX
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I will be heretical and recommend just one ship for the three stated purposes you note: income, explore, pirate and with a nod to your interest in a missileboat.

In the short term, I would snag an Andromeda. Especially if you want a true misslileboat, this is best in game I think? When they add proper exploration you can move to the Aquila or perhaps just be able to swap a turret back and forth when you like. Invest your time getting to know that one ship, train with the turrets. Move cargo.

When it comes available I would move to the Polaris. There will be plenty of money to be made running the Sons Of Orion mission storyliine killing Vanduul, and you can pirate with it too. It carries twice the cargo of the Connies and though it will burn fuel mightily, you can refuel it yourself.

IMHO, since everything you grind for in game will vanish at the next update, now is not the time to be concerned with grinding. Right now you want to master one bird and your knowledge of the 'verse, and you can do everything you want with an Andromeda. You need to become a real specialist with how you equip her.

I would run my own tests with every available weapon, and especially discover the effectiveness of those BEHR C-788s.
Noobifier posted up noting when you hit stuff and don't kill it, it makes the target spin wildly which makes it unable to defend itself and especially vulnerable to missiles. So combining the big balistic cannons with a missileboat should be shockingly effective, especially against any ship big enough to take a hit and not go down instantly. Fighters will go down instantly.
Assassin's Tools still lists this weapon as the most powerful--more powerful than any of the S5 weapons. You do however need to practice trigegr control and not shoot when you don't expect to hit, and that is worth learning and practicing. Will leave you much more power for your shields and engines.
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Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I will be heretical and recommend just one ship for the three stated purposes you note: income, explore, pirate and with a nod to your interest in a missileboat.....
funny you should mention that ship because i was looking at it. with the 40 bucks in the bank i'd be pretty close to it with upgrading the MIS. my only fear is that the connie is too much of a multiplayer ship vs the lancer being more solo friendly or am i wrong in that? that's one of the possible upgrade paths with what i have. specially if the crucible turns into a carrack at some point x.O

i'm also debating turning that MIS into a terrapin for synergy with the orion or just money making. so it could be MIS -> Andromeda + Crucible -> Carrack or MIS -> Terrapin with Crucible or Reclaimer. Or just leave things be.

The polaris does look really interesting but that would mean sacrificing 2 or 3 of the Orion, StarG, Crucible and MIS. hmmmmmm
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well you won't see a Polaris for another year or so. If you decide to change your fleet now, I suggest focus on what you can fly now and wait on the others.

The problems with flying the Connie alone as compared to a Lancer are IMHO, that a) it is a bigger target--you're not going to evade much of anything with it, and b) it rotates more slowly compared to the Lancer so can be harder to get on target with it. You need to be careful not to close to too short of range. If you can shoot from 3-4km, you can make use of the extended range of the bigger guns. Most fighters don't carry S4 weapons. And really with all those missiles, you want to hit at greater range.

I always suggest go fly a bird before you buy. If your fighting style is to just point and shoot, and you don't actively practice evasion, you may like it. It certainly has nice guns. The turrets are fun, but I would never plan to stick in a fight with real fighters. Boom at them from distance, launch missiles and scoot if you need to. Conny pilots need to know when to run, but all those missiles will let you wait a bit I think. Seriously, look at all those missiles.

I'm sure you can borrow one hereabouts, and this may help:
Notice the moment he gets on a target, it flashes and is gone.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Jokes on you. Drake kills their pilots through mechanical failure well before any Aegis junk manages to show up.
I do fear mechanic failures and a lack of ejection seat (...or any kind of reasonable emergency escape options) far more than any Aegis ships.

The Drake ships are missing because they were all killed by REAL combat ships. Aegis ships eat Drake ships for breakfast and pick their teeth with their bones.
That is stereotypical inflammatory hate speech! SCREEEEEEEE!!!


Space Marshal
Feb 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Well you won't see a Polaris for another year or so. If you decide to change your fleet now, I suggest focus on what you can fly now and wait on the others....
yeah i think i'm gonna wait and see what the MIS actually looks like when it comes out and try to fly the others. at this point between the ships i'm looking at i don't think the price is going to change much if at all. i think at this point i'm just trying to figure out my main tooting around ship


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
yeah i think i'm gonna wait and see what the MIS actually looks like when it comes out and try to fly the others. at this point between the ships i'm looking at i don't think the price is going to change much if at all. i think at this point i'm just trying to figure out my main tooting around ship
If you can figure that out then share with the rest of us. One thing I do know I have not enjoyed in other games is trading. So i'll leave the Hulls to others.
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