You have a Magical Ship Voucher, what do you get?

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Lets say CIG gave everyone a Magical Ship Voucher. With it you can get any one ship that has ever been on sale including the limited Vanduul Ships for free. This can even include the Idris-M or Idris-P. What ship do you get and why? For sake of the Magical Voucher any ship you get will automatically be LTI just as if you got it in the first pledge period or concept sale. Also for sake of the Magical Voucher, the ship you want will come with any and all modules that have been sold with it such as the Vanguard BUKs.

This is going to sound very cliche but I would get a Javelin. Now most people will say this because it is a big bad Destroyer to play with but I have a far more simple and selfish reason for wanting one. I plan to be something of a ship collector in the verse on the side while maintaining primarily an industrial everything focus. I want to 'catch em all' as it were when it comes to ships and have a collection. A Javelin will be very hard to get a hold of as evidenced by how limited they have been for sale and how quickly they have sold. Again this ship would be part of the collection only.

I'll use the 2nd one as my flagship though if I happen to come across one:)


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
I would use it to make my Connie Andromeda actually be the ship originally described (space superiority/Millenium Falcon).

Or maybe an Idris (depending on what the Corvette ends up spec'ing out to be) - then I could invite my TESTie friends to come fly with me.


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Dammmmmn, no poll? Haha.

Seriously. I was going to say one of the idris'. Because cap ship, friends, hanger, etc.

But I think probably Endeavour master set. I like the versatility of that beauty.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Oooh, that's a hard call. I think I might have to go with the 890 Jump, just because that's one of the ones that I've always wanted, and could never quite justify to myself. I'll be working to earn one ingame... but for the sake of a magical ticket, that's what I'd pick up. Nothing like cruising in style.


Space Marshal
Jun 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Being a bit of a "collector" as well, I'd say my missing ship is the M variant of the Idris simply for the rail gun being part of the standard equipment but unlike most collectors, I'd definitely take it out of the box to play around with it for sure :)
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Vice Admiral
Jan 23, 2016
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P-52 Merlin.
You will be undeniably overpowered.

From reading the lore regarding Kruger Intergalactic, the company which produced the Merlin, they use only the highest quality and most effective alloys in their construction. As the Merlin is also designed nearly entirely around one of their new range of ballistics, it is safe to say that through modifications available from Kruger Intergalactic, much more heavy weapons may be added on to the current spaceframe that is the Merlin.

Not to even mention that being as small and modular as it is, a heavily modded Kruger P-52 Merlin will definitely be able outperform even the 350r in many aspects of racing, including speed, mobility, turn rate, roll rate, and looks. Should you end up getting all of eventually available modules for the P-52 Merlin, you will receive a module to customize the Merlin into nearly any role you wish it to be. This also means you have near endless ways to earn credits through the game, which could be used to purchase services of overclockers to even push the Merlin to the limits. Due to the Merlin's unique alloy construction used by Kruger, its hull also acts in some ways as a giant heatsink for that most intense overclock. Again, that also means that Kruger will support whatever route you take, as Kruger is one of the best corporations as protrayed by current Spectrum Dispatch lore.

TL:DR - Merlin is OP because Kruger is perfect.



Vice Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
If I had to pick right now, 890 Jump without a doubt. I'd never pay for one (with real money), but I would absolutely love to have one to cruise around in. The first time I saw it I thought "personal Star Destroyer" and I haven't been able to get that image out of my head since.

Runner up would be the Carrack mostly because it's the only other ship I don't have that I really want (with the possible exception of the Genesis Starliner, depending on variants).

However given the option I would wait until the Polaris corvette is officially launched because that's something that I feel like I'll most likely want a lot more than any of the above.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
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(except completionists.... maybe I would get the completionists package..fuck everything else...)
Damn! You beat me to it. I was going to say Completionist package. Work the system!
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Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
A Reclaimer. I have one more P-72 with LTI that has Reclaimer written all over it. This will serve as the flagship for the Fred Sanford division of the Spicyweiner Transportation And Recycling Thingy And Refueling Dudes, Or S.T.A.R.T.A.R.D.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
As I enjoy the progression part of a game way more than the end-game gameplay I would get the cheapest and smallest ship that can carry around a non-jumpcapable racer. This way I could start out all my "carriers" as a trader, racer, and ship collector! I hope the fun will be in working up to the bigger ships like a Freelancer, Idris or 890Jump, rather than having them from the start and nothing to work towards as a collector.
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