Recent content by Datastream

  1. Datastream

    a nu cheeki breeki

    That should clear it up for ya
  2. Datastream

    Win7 on Reddit

    Are we allowed to talk about pirating here? Otherwise I can send you something.
  3. Datastream

    November giveaway! Mustang Beta!

    Exploration or Black Flag no doubt! It mostly depends on how exploration will work out to be in the final release. If it's good then that is my main choice otherwise a pirate life for me!
  4. Datastream

    Armored Warfare: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 17, 2015]

    If there are any EU TESTies playing AW then I might start an EU battalion. If people are actually interested too.
  5. Datastream

    Armored Warfare: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 17, 2015]

    Oh well then I don't even have to bother. Where my european homies at?
  6. Datastream

    Update your Personal Hangars!

    Aurora's ho~!
  7. Datastream

    Armored Warfare: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 17, 2015]

    I will probably message you about it when I get home but is battalion cross region?
  8. Datastream

    Armored Warfare: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 17, 2015]

    Any EU players who want to play with me? Because I imagine that this is a battalion for US players.
  9. Datastream

    Testies, explain your avatar

    A reaction from a webcomic by hejibits. Always relevant.
  10. Datastream

    We'll all remember this.

    By digesting a hat he will make history.
  11. Datastream


    Why post this in seperate posts? Why not just edit it in?
  12. Datastream

    The philosophy thread.

    Hertog Jan meesterras!
  13. Datastream

    TEST Brew

    Would you ship to The Netherlands?
  14. Datastream


    I'm strongly against multi-org. Very easy to be a spai with it. Besides that TEST is all fun and games but HONOR is strong. Stay true to TEST and TEST only.
  15. Datastream

    Creating TEST-tan. Participate in the process. Make suggestions.

    Aw yeaaa. "Wanna go for a TEST drive?" "I'll TEST you for TESTicular cancer" "Did you update your TESTament, pilot?" "Welcome to Crash TEST 101, Pilot" So much room for puns!
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