Recent content by Eliyahu

  1. Eliyahu

    RSI Celebrate the Holidays - aka Free Stuff Daily through 12/22

    why is the yaw/pitch/roll measured in dps... that's some aggressive turning... Edit: "I was making a joke here, funny or not, I amuse myself lol"
  2. Eliyahu

    RSI Celebrate the Holidays - aka Free Stuff Daily through 12/22

    This was my highlight from the guide: MERCHANTMAN The Merchantman is a cross between a lumbering freighter and a trading platform in its own right. The prize possession of many Banu traders, Merchantman ships are unique, organiclooking transports that reliably move goods throughout the galaxy...
  3. Eliyahu

    RSI Celebrate the Holidays - aka Free Stuff Daily through 12/22

    There you go!
  4. Eliyahu

    RSI Celebrate the Holidays - aka Free Stuff Daily through 12/22 Today is a free LUMINALIA PICO 2020 Get yours! Every day is something new, yesterday was a complete jump point styled ship guide.
  5. Eliyahu

    Overlord Stinger Armor Set

    That was an instant buy!!!
  6. Eliyahu

    The question on every Testie's mind: WHERE IS THE SNOW?

    🌨❄☃⛄🤶👨‍🚒 time!
  7. Eliyahu

    Genesis Starliner Passenger Transport

    The mini games should be optional, if you participate you can further increase your $ and rep, if you suck at them you can lose $ and rep. They should be an optional feature when implemented.
  8. Eliyahu

    Building new PC - possible to use 2 different cards with SC, 1660 and 2070?

    The new 5900 and 5950 Ryzen chips are amazing, if I were in the market for a new CPU and mobo, that is what I would get (budget permitting of course). The best power supply with the highest rating plus modularity will be a future proof item regardless of mobo, card, cpu, etc. The new...
  9. Eliyahu

    Operation Fuck Shit Up!

    This is awesome
  10. Eliyahu

    Question: Should we buy a big ass laser gun for our org Idris-P?

    Is more pew pew ever a question?
  11. Eliyahu

    Redeemer 2020

    Here are my 2 complaints about the redesign. 1) why is the bottom bulk added? It's a gun ship not a cargo ship. 2) the tail now curves up into the firing arc of the top turret.... I will now blast my own ship to pieces shooting at an enemy.
  12. Eliyahu

    A dire vocabulary conundrum!

    Port Pets
  13. Eliyahu

    The Division already failed?!?

    The beta was less buggy.... odd that it would work that way
  14. Eliyahu

    Star citizen resolution trouble

    I know you reinstalled the game, but did you also manually delete all of the files and folders plus a restart before the new download? That might sound basic, but hunting down all files and folders and manually removing them has fixed a few games for me other the years. It is seems to be a...
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