Recent content by hi100040

  1. hi100040

    [Video] Atlas is proving to be extremely popular here at TEST

    @ShakyWater I find your arguments unconvincing about Atlas being an ARK mod. It might have started as one but there are a lot more differences between ARK and Atlas in both content and gameplay than Black Ops 3 and 4 do and I don't think you could find anyone arguing in good faith that BlOps3...
  2. hi100040

    [Video] Atlas is proving to be extremely popular here at TEST

    I am playing on NA PvE server with my partner and I have to say that after a week I am still absolutely loving the game and with some of the future plans they discussed on the dev livestream yesterday I don't think I will be stopping much until SQ42 comes out. I am located out in F9 on the...
  3. hi100040

    Highlander Fleet time

    I actually plan to get rid of everything except 1 ship when the game goes live and the ship I am going to use to build the fleet back up is the Cutlass Black because there is room for cargo and lots of opportunity for hands-on mining, salvage, and could also do cargo recovery with that tractor...
  4. hi100040

    Gladius changes have me looking for a different fighter

    That's fine with me. I see it as get a Caterpillar now, trade it in for a Hull A/B later. Also, when the game goes live I plan to have a fleet that is just a mediumship (current pick is Cutlass Black), a small science/exploration ship, and a solo dedicated combat ship. I want to work my way up...
  5. hi100040

    Gladius changes have me looking for a different fighter

    Thanks, for all the feedback! I think I am going to upgrade to an EMP ship based on if I prefer the base model of the sabre or avenger more when I try them out during the free fly event. Ultimately, I think that the EMP idea is a good one. As far as the flight model changes, it sounds like...
  6. hi100040

    Gladius changes have me looking for a different fighter

    As the title says I do not like the changes to the default loadout for the Gladius. I find it much too difficult to fight with now. Combining the speed/maneuverability with fixed weapons makes the ship excellent at jousting but I tend to prefer getting up close and strafing. Basically, I am...
  7. hi100040

    Cryptocurrency world - Selling hashpower, mining, and making money

    I am not the man himself, but I would like to throw in my 2 cents. I think that Bitcoin itself is a "bubble" in much the same way that dial-up was a "bubble". Bitcoin itself has many problems that newer blockchain currencies have addressed. Bitcoin Cash has worked toward fixing the transaction...
  8. hi100040

    What are you guys playing?

    I am playing ELEX and Assassin's Creed Origins. The DLC on Origins is actually really good compared to what I was expecting and actually felt like an extension of the game just like old expansion packs used to be. I am actually going for a 100% on AC: Origins. I am 68 hours in and probably have...
  9. hi100040

    Cryptocurrency world - Selling hashpower, mining, and making money

    Just thought I would throw in my 2 cents since I'm kind of a tech head. I firmly believe that Bitcoin is a bubble. It might have just burst and now we are in the post-bubble, or it could have further to fall after another surge or 20 surges. But blockchain on the other hand; that my friends is...
  10. hi100040

    Hello Fellow Citizens

    Yep, can't stand my family and I'm engaged to a 'Stralian, and her family loves me to boot! Makes it easier to choose which one of us is moving to close the distance. I am trying to get her into Star Citizen but it will have to be down the road after character customization and more of the lore...
  11. hi100040

    Hello Fellow Citizens

    I joined TEST about a week ago and joined the Star Citizen community at large about 3 weeks ago. I am CMDR Dazlarus on Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous. I am Dazlarus on Reddit. I am hi100040 almost everywhere else. :) I am from Seattle, WA area with plans to move to NSW, Australia in a...
  12. hi100040

    Looking to tap the tech cabal of TEST...

    I have never heard of OP's CPU and neither has Intel... I am going to guess he meant i7-4790 (but if this is correct, why are you underclocking a 4.0GHz CPU?) in which case there is no NVME support through m.2 which means that a SATA drive is your best bet otherwise you will have to use a PCIe...
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