Recent content by John Vitakis

  1. John Vitakis

    EXTRA-LIFE GAME DAY ! ! ! !NOV. 3rd Need your Support Testies

    Good Day ALL, I AM Newly Minted Captain Helphyre (Formerly Commander_Helphyre) I need your help today and through the Night to make the 25 hour gaming marathon. Please Stop by and say Hi at Stop in and Say Hi and if you can spare a few dollars for the kids.that...
  2. John Vitakis

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    Plan On Driving in to Austin from Atlanta on Tues. Already Have Bar Citizen ticket bought. Plan on Staying at the A place across the street from the Long Center. May or May not be in My Wheelchair(Due to Gout) will be in line by 8 am Weds. morning (Wearing My Commanders Quarter's Jumpsuit(With...
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