Recent content by Scarthian

  1. Scarthian


    Well the problem is I think they will need to strike a good in between the first and the second. Many people loved aspects of the first while others loved aspects of the second. If they can just grab the best of each world I think it will really bring people around. Problem is as with most games...
  2. Scarthian


    Eternal Crusade is interesting I just don't know the viability of a MMO type for this particular genre. Feel like it is a bit untested waters for them besides the failed Warhammer MMO. Hopefully turns out well though, as for Mordheim I picked that up as well and find myself enjoying it a fair...
  3. Scarthian


    Picked this up on its recent sale but haven't had much time to sit down and really play it. I do however have some free time coming up next month that I really want to sink into this game. Believe my name should be "Scarthian" so toss me an invite and I would be down for grouping up. Just be...
  4. Scarthian


    Looking forward to it. I know there is a lot of hype around the Total Warhammer but I prefer the 40k universe just seems so bad ass. Wouldn't mind a new Space Marine as well. Who knows though been a lot of Warhammer related games coming out lately it seems things looking good overall.
  5. Scarthian

    TEST Kitchen

    I don't understand why but I am digging this chick.
  6. Scarthian

    Happy Halloween

    Indeed Happy Halloween folks and parents enjoy your dad/ mom tax a.k.a tasting the candy for "poison".
  7. Scarthian

    Smuggler Heads Up!

    While it would need some work and more details on getting it to work overall I think the idea is interesting. As a pirate myself I would mind doing an escort detail when I can. The thing is you will need to balance presence with safety, when I think smuggler I think someone light and fast who...
  8. Scarthian

    Become Human

    While it would be nice if CIG could pull this off I feel the game is just too huge to go into such detail. Not to mention with the point its at now going to this level I fear for folks without the most powerful PC's would end up exploding. I think striking a good balance between performance and...
  9. Scarthian

    Microsoft just proved themselves to be one of the most ignorant, imbecilic companies ever...

    Yeah exactly why I clarified myself to further explain my stance rather than just being disregarded as some tin foil hat conspiracy nut. Especially considering there are real world present examples of stuff like this running wild. Because as Space Monkey stated above Facebook, Google, Yahoo...
  10. Scarthian

    So I just Joined Goons

  11. Scarthian

    Microsoft just proved themselves to be one of the most ignorant, imbecilic companies ever...

    No one it talking about tinfoil hats or specifically Microsoft OS being complete and utter shit. They work just like every other OS currently on the market they have their pros and cons. If you read my post as being a tinfoil hat conspiracy nut let me clarify it for you. Using Windows Vista as...
  12. Scarthian

    Microsoft just proved themselves to be one of the most ignorant, imbecilic companies ever...

    Honestly I think this is just beginning to open the market for other OS makers to grab a share of Microsoft's big pie. For years Microsoft has been on shakier and shakier ground in my opinion. The debacle of Windows Vista followed by Windows 8 where it has become a common joke the every other...
  13. Scarthian

    Warhammer 40K & Shadowrun

    So a while back some of the folks on here piqued my interest in the two above worlds? Stories? Games? Anyhow I find myself bored often since well I get paid to do next to nothing (Hurray for overnight IT /wrists). What I want to know are there books? or other type of materials regarding these...
  14. Scarthian

    Concern? or just Drink beer and keep donating?

    While I am all for discussion please let's try to avoid necroing super old threads. Feel free to start a new one.
  15. Scarthian

    Streaming live right now! My job

    I agree with chrizz "wat?"
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