Recent content by SneakyPete

  1. SneakyPete

    My Resignation From Aerospace Alliance

    New spam from the below account to my RSI Account this may be the wrong thread but it seems the OP is giving us the gifT of a spam automation directed to TEST members in an aTTempT To Tickle our TESTIES
  2. SneakyPete

    So I had a thought (Mines?)

    After being on the clearing and proofing end, I hate mines. You are correct in that they Canalize, Deter, Deny, Delay and Disrupt movement in a desired operational environment. If you lay the minefield you map it , and when no longer needed you pick them back up.Unless it has an AHD then it's a...
  3. SneakyPete

    VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

    a mass email with the ebaums badger badger link in it. 13000 links nothing else
  4. SneakyPete

    VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

    He has to figure out how to spell "Owl" first. Secondly, he can't email or post past his bedtime.
  5. SneakyPete

    VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

    Virtual Assmunch Since you need a career
  6. SneakyPete

    VirtualAce caught Cheating - former AA member LiQuldAiR testifies

    Let me know which Evocati. via PM. Depending on the damage done a violation of the ETF/NDA can be a simple dismissal from Avacado land to a full on permanent ban with possible litigatious actions. We had to send in a copy of a photo ID. No way to get around that legally to play if kicked from game.
  7. SneakyPete

    VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen

    yes lovely reading whilst I have my before bedtime beer! Virtual Ass will never write all 13000+ members. If he started today it would be like 10 years before he got done.
  8. SneakyPete

    Clearance level ultra required

    Director Gunner .. It's Ok.. She won't mind
  9. SneakyPete

    WDYDT? (What Did You Drink Today)

    Trying this Boddington British ale. It has a Free tiny Aurora in the can !!
  10. SneakyPete

    Clearance level ultra required

    Marcsand you have to remove Warpaint and Don ye olde Monocle and TopHat!
  11. SneakyPete

    First Org vs Org battle (June 11th)

    Looks like blotting out the Sun just got Real !!
  12. SneakyPete

    WDYDT? (What Did You Drink Today)

    beer now for two days straight .. In fact going to get another
  13. SneakyPete

    Starfarer Mischief

  14. SneakyPete

    First Org vs Org battle (June 11th)

    Count me in I already got the date and time. Going to take a week off and close the studio for this
  15. SneakyPete

    Weapon group / trigger behaviour

    Don't look for Item Port 2.0 to fix grouping. It is not on the list of 2.0 inclusion. It is my assessment that That option was removed for the MFD's maybe only temporary . I can choose between two groups with my joystick but that's it. I have asked this question in two places in a section that...
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