Recent content by teneightynine

  1. teneightynine


    Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Looking forward to sharing a glorious fiery death-fireball or two with you! To be honest it's been a few years since I've tried internet in the Philippines, but I'm sure it's fairly decent. Meanwhile, it's pretty damn good in Seattle, WA where I'm living now...
  2. teneightynine


    Salamat po and mabuhay! :D Cebu is awesome, I've been there a few times as a kid and their malls were gargantuan, second only to the ones in Manila, and with less smog! Happy to represent my people in this lovely org ... but really I'm in it for the spaceships and the shooties ... and the...
  3. teneightynine


    Where you from stranger? I hail from the magical island nation of the Philippines, but am living in exile in the harsh lands of the Pacific Northwest. What drew you to Star Citizen? Spaceships, man ... spaceships ... What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)...
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