Recent content by Varil Rau

  1. Varil Rau

    Show off your rig!

    I think i will wait a week or so before posting pictures, ordered a obutto r3v some time ago and it is finally on delivery. I used to have some cable management and everything hidden away, but somehow as time goes something needs to be added or removed and so on. Last time i looked under my...
  2. Varil Rau

    Elder Scrolls Online

    Im v9 at the moment, back to work this monday though so wont be playing too much..
  3. Varil Rau

    Elder Scrolls Online

    I started playing this again, thye fixed most of the broken stuff so its pretty good fun. EU server and my name in is @docharmless
  4. Varil Rau

    TEST and Elite:Dangerous

    I has it, not playing though.. damn planetside 2. And Xenonauts.. too much to spend my time than playing a beta :p
  5. Varil Rau

    Might aswell...

    Where you from stranger? This stranger hails from southern Finland. What drew you to Star Citizen? So long since freespace 2 and freelancer.. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Spaceships! Drunken flying! What was the first game you remember playing...
  6. Varil Rau

    S.S.S - June 14th - 16:00 - 04:00 GMT (12:00n - 12:00 am EST)

    Got PS2 couple days ago.. im liking this game a lot :p Why havent i tried this before?
  7. Varil Rau

    S.S.S - June 14th - 16:00 - 04:00 GMT (12:00n - 12:00 am EST)

    Well, i think i am supposed to go to a party this saturday, but i might play some earlier or might be home, who knows. Weekend is so far away..
  8. Varil Rau

    Battlefield: Hardline

    After the bf4 and premium on that that costed me some 120e and before that the bf3 with the same.. im not going to invest on another cashgrab.. sure they are "good" but NOTHING new. And as said, i'd hope they finish and fix the bf4 first.. Not going to touch this...
  9. Varil Rau

    S.S.S - June 14th - 16:00 - 04:00 GMT (12:00n - 12:00 am EST)

    Any idea how's the lag playing on a us server from the EU? Might give a shot to Planetside..
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