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  1. Zone

    Vanduul Glaive destroying Constellation!

    Just found this video of someone completely destroying a Constellation Andromeda in the 2.0 PTU! I take no credit for this if this is any of you guys, just thought this looked epic and wanted to share! This proves that attacking a connie with one fighter isent such a good idea.
  2. Zone

    Upgrade Connie to Carrack?

    Title pretty much says it all. What do you guys think? Im really close in pressing the buy button right now, can someone push me away/over the edge? :rolleyes:
  3. Zone

    I found myself in yellow

    Hello fellow drunkards! This place feels good, alot of good energys flowing around here. Looking forward to share some great experiences with you guys in the verse. My connie is here for all to share! I use Zone here, but my hande and monicker is Fatekiller Where you from stranger? From...
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