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  1. C

    Can't believe I'm joining TEST......

    I was CEO of Sturmgrenadier Inc for a couple of years from 2009 to 2011, I was playing EVE from 2005 to 2011.
  2. C

    Can't believe I'm joining TEST......

    Montoya, your name I recognize, were you around when TEST had Fountain? I was in Delve as a CEO in Nulli Secunda, so we fought alot, but it was always "goodfites". I've been doing a bit of Minecraft again (after not playing for quite a while) and I'm on the reddit servers (/r/mcpublic) on the...
  3. C

    Can't believe I'm joining TEST......

    Yeah well, I used to shoot the shit out of TEST when I played in EVE years ago. If you can't beat em, join em. I used to be a huge WC nerd back when I was a kid in the mid-90's, and have always had a hankering for space combat sims. Only way I've been able to get my fix has been through mods...
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