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  1. MTom

    Star Citizen Retro - 90s look with CRT effect

  2. MTom

    Star Citizen Alpha 3.9 HDD vs SSD loading times and gameplay experience comparison videos

    I decided to make these videos because apparently there are still many people who doesn't know that an SSD is pretty much essential for good gameplay experience in SC. I decided to edit the videos in 2 parts. First and most boring parts is the loading times comparison With an SSD you pretty...
  3. MTom

    Maybe some of you haven't seen it: Flying to Daymar without quantum in 9 hours 42 minutes timelapse

    So i'm the one made the flight to Daymar in 9 hours 42 minutes, and made a timelapse about it. Maybe some of you missed it on YT or Reddit, so here it is:
  4. MTom

    Hi there

    Lurking for a while now, decided to reg finally :) Here goes Where you from stranger? UK What drew you to Star Citizen? Waiting for a game like this since yeah about time :) Hope it will be a good successor for SWG for me. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP...
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