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  1. Freak0

    Does CIG need to bring in a publisher? (video)

    I have mixed feelings .... regarding an outside publisher coming into the project. I do think CIG needs to provide a minimum viable feature list for the game to get out of Alpha. Chris does have a history of feature creep. I think feature creep will continue. But over time, the game will get...
  2. Freak0

    So uhhh… what did you buy from 2953 Invictus event so far?

    I use these events to buy warbond CCU's to plug into my 'current' fleet plans. It is basically a bunch of warbond CCU's so the ships are not 'exactly' sitting in my hangar. If the game were to go live, I could generate all the ships. Of course, I'm waiting to add more warbond CCU's to the...
  3. Freak0

    MISC Fury first look! Here it is!

    I'm thinking the Odyssey would be a fantastic mother ship for these guys. As the game expands, we'll want to travel further out into the black. Distances that make light fighter engagements more rare. These buggers were made for those situations.
  4. Freak0

    MISC Fury first look! Here it is!

    My thought on price is $45 to $55. No quantum or jump drive is a significant price hurdle.
  5. Freak0

    MISC Fury first look! Here it is!

    I think the importance of this type of snub is going to be longevity of fights. Because it does not have a Q-drive, I'm thinking ships that have staying power in a fight will benefit the most. This makes me think larger parent ships are best: Polaris Javelin Idris Kraken My thinking is you...
  6. Freak0

    MISC Fury first look! Here it is!

    Like all snub craft ... i feel it needs a dedicated home to pair with. That could be a ship(s) or even an outpost module.
  7. Freak0

    MISC Fury first look! Here it is!

    I think it is a hybrid vehicle. Space to ground. The lower 'engines' look like grav-lev or similar. If true, then I'd guess it is more of a snub. Unless they went the way of the Pisces .. without extra seats and cargo. More I think about it, I think it is a snub that can Quantum.
  8. Freak0

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    yes. And for posterity ... alcohol was involved. I just got back from New Orleans. Spent a week with my wife soaking up the French Quarter ......
  9. Freak0

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    They will clean up 3.18 ... maybe by 4.0. Thank you for your trust.
  10. Freak0

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    Alt coin for Internet of Things network - miner.
  11. Freak0

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    Bumping as we head into CIG's 2023 sales .....
  12. Freak0

    New variant on the way (3.18)

    The Hawk does not have a dampener. Mantis does not have dps or good survivability. Warlock does not have a dampener and is 'weaker' than the Scorpius (HP, components, dps, shields, etc). Blue does not have an EMP and is multi-role. Sentinel just has the EMP and modularity and living space...
  13. Freak0

    Scorpius Antares Drama!

    My Initial thoughts: Mantis is in a class by itself. It is the only ship with a snare. This means that if you want to pull players out of quantum, then you MUST have a Mantis. This implies dps will be required for the trap to work most of the time. 2 + ships needed. EMP ship comparison...
  14. Freak0

    New variant on the way (3.18)

    I'm thinking no. Hawk has size 2 EMP's only ... along with smaller sized weapons. Avenger has equal size EMP, but is a weaker ship overall. I'm thinking that neither have the dampener as well.
  15. Freak0

    New variant on the way (3.18)

    I'm thinking that if the variant gets snare + dampener, then it will be OP. If it is just the dampener, then the Blue is better at a lower cost. Off topic regarding QED, but on topic for RSI variants: Part of me wishes they'd provide a variant of the mantis for something like exploration as it...
  16. Freak0

    Excess Store Credit Problem

    I started a thread on Spectrum I think many may find interesting. I hope it does not get locked.... I posted this on the Concierge forum ... so not everybody may have access.
  17. Freak0

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

    Bumping as there have been some changes. Thank you all.
  18. Freak0

    PSA - IAE Best In Show FPS Gear

    nice find!
  19. Freak0

    PSA - IAE Best In Show FPS Gear

    Just a quick FYI. You can still pick up that BIS FPS gear from the main website. Link provided: . Part of me thinks this is a CIG oversight as you can't buy them in the Pledge Store. Who knows how long they will be up for...
  20. Freak0

    Freak's Store Credit Shop is ** CLOSED **

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