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  1. Hahmis

    Brazilian Huehuehue in the area

    Yes we will be doing business 😀
  2. Hahmis

    So much beer!?

    *Nods graciously*
  3. Hahmis

    So much beer!?

    I can assure you I brought enough for everyone lol.
  4. Hahmis

    So much beer!?

    Well... less mosquitos and humidity, but the jury's still out. EDIT: I moved to AZ for work, but do quite enjoy it out here.
  5. Hahmis


    Shit dude, I knocked on the front door but you straight up walked through the back door like a true King. Well played.
  6. Hahmis

    So much beer!?

    Hi everyone! Stoked to be here. Let's get to those icebreakers: Where you from stranger? Virtually, I am coming from Elite: Dangerous (~1300 hours of playtime up to the release of Odyssey, but then pledged SC! I was Elite Trading and Exploration - Ishum's Reach, all that). IRL, I am a Texan...
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