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  1. Cain Jr

    Sweetspot for graphics vs performance

    Yes definately this. I went down to 2000ish and FPS went from 30 to 58. Much better.
  2. Cain Jr

    Hello hej hej from Sweden

    Hmm so what does that mean exactly? And where's the mail? lol
  3. Cain Jr

    Hello hej hej from Sweden

    wow thanks! Didn't even know that was a thing :)
  4. Cain Jr

    Sweetspot for graphics vs performance

    Thanks Mudhawk, I'll check that out! Yes everything runs on a SSD. And a very fast cable broadband connection.
  5. Cain Jr

    Sweetspot for graphics vs performance

    Do you know of a guide on how to optimize SC for graphics without sacrificing performance? At first I thought I had found it in the other Tech forum in the sticky thread about config files but it seems that thread died out in 2016. My setup: Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700F...
  6. Cain Jr

    Hello hej hej from Sweden

    I figure with a friendly attitude the vibe I'm looking for will be there :) So since we share some common ground, can you describe a bit of the similarities and differences between SC and EVE to me? On the surface it seems like so much would be shared. Mining, ships, lowsec, pvp... but the first...
  7. Cain Jr

    Hello hej hej from Sweden

    Thanks guys :)
  8. Cain Jr

    Hello hej hej from Sweden

    Hi, TommyStockholm here! I remember the good old days of Wing commander, Elite and other games and Star Citizen seems like the game of my dreams :) For now I'm playing EVE Online and enjoying it very much but I feel ready to start dipping my toes into SC. I know it's far from ready but perhaps...
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