
  1. Varku

    Selling RSI Account

    I still love the Game, but I can't handle gaming and having the Money is also nice. TL;DR: Package Mustang Omega upgraded to Herald Melt Value 30$ CCU Value 85$ Standalone Dragonfly LTI 35$ Store Credit 45$ Some nice Buyback options Large Collection of 0$ CCU Some Cosmetic fluff Total Raw Value...
  2. PWny

    TEST EWAR Support Squadron (Name Pending)

    HEY TESTies!!! I am so JACKED to start using my Sentinel that I want to start a support squadron for everyone interested! If you wanna fly around and help out other TESTies then this is your place! Vanguard Sentinel's, Hornet Tracker's, and Herald's are gonna be key if we wanna crash a Bengal...
  3. KingNerd

    Next ships that we'll see?

    Hey guys! I have been half ass following the updates from CIG and browsing random forums during my free time (not often) so I'm not sure about what ships are coming up next and in what phase, any ideas where they are at in development or where we can find out easier? I've heard the Herald...
  4. KingNerd

    WTS Khartu-Al

    EDIT: WTS ... NOT WTF! LOL Hello TESTies! I have a 24 month Khartu-Al light fighter that I picked up during the flash sale at Gamescom, I'd like to get a Herald (which I've found someone willing to help me get one) and I need some help getting it! If you have a herald and something else to...
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