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  1. NomadicHavoc

    The Creator

    Ummm...what can I say? This movie was awesome!!! You should check it out on Hulu. View:
  2. NomadicHavoc

    Star Wars Outlaws

    Ok, Star Wars Outlaws is definitely on my radar now. From what I can see in this video, narrated by Morphologis, this game looks super promising. I for one don't care if there are transitions between locations. The transitions look pretty cool. Graphics looks great, gameplay looks fun, and...
  3. NomadicHavoc

    The Acolyte - Without the Lecture

    Some posts foster divisiveness by pushing an agenda on others while also inflating self importance. Disney, for a reason I can't fully comprehend, seems to be a magnet for this vitriol on this forum. It's just a company that bought the legal rights to an intellectual property - making movies and...
  4. NomadicHavoc

    Boldly Go...

    What will exploration in SC look like? What could it look like? Who really knows besides those CIG employees working hard on this project around the globe. The below video got me jazzed again about the possibilities. To me, exploration should be the bedrock of SC around which a lot of gameplay...
  5. NomadicHavoc

    What Music Do You Listen To?

    One of the very most exciting things about last years Citizen Con Squadron 42 showcase was the EPIC "I held the line" musical score. Nothing better captures the mood of a moment than music. Although Squadron 42 will likely have any number of amazing tracks to enjoy throughout the game, Star...
  6. NomadicHavoc

    Rebel Moon

    I know that Rebel Moon Part I got a lotta flack, but I thought that it was fair. Part II was really good by my measure. I mean, come on folks the cinematography is top notch, sound design is epic, special effects are spectacular, costume design is awesome, acting is pretty great, action...
  7. NomadicHavoc

    Giggity Giggity - Crafting at it's Best

    What are your SC crafting wet dreams? View:
  8. NomadicHavoc

    Jerry Jr.

    I would like to see a system where if you beat a boss or otherwise earn in the verse various rarities of tokens, artifacts, or tech that you can sell/trade to a descendent of Jerry, the 1st Banu that humans encountered. You could travel to his shop or his personal Banu MerchantJerry and he'll...
  9. NomadicHavoc

    Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy

    I've been closely following SC via Youtube mostly since 2017. How is it that I've never heard about this series? Looks like they briefly discuss the history of 54 systems with use of the Star Map. I really like listening to Paul Shelley talk about SC lore, so this is right up my alley! I'm...
  10. NomadicHavoc

    1942: Rise of Hydra

    Am I the only one who thinks this game looks super promising? View:
  11. NomadicHavoc

    Titan Fall 2

    Just a heads up - you can get Titan Fall 2 for just $2.00 on the PS Network. I forgot how much fun this games' multiplayer is :o7:
  12. NomadicHavoc

    Masters of the Air

    Just firing up Apple's 'Masters of the Air'. I loved 'Band of Brothers' and 'The Pacific' so I can't wait to see how this military drama pans out. View:
  13. NomadicHavoc

    Persistence and Death of a Spaceman

    Anybody else super excited about persistence and death of a spaceman features? I love the idea that the more you die the more worn your cloned body becomes - eventually requiring prosthetic bits and pieces. Then, as I understand it, you will eventually no longer be able to be cloned as there's...
  14. NomadicHavoc

    Story TIme

    Do any of you have any personal ghost or UFO sighting stories that you'd feel comfortable sharing? Unfortunately, I don't have any personal experiences but know a few stories from loved ones. I can start off with a UFO sighting that my Dad had during the Vietnam War. My Dad was an intelligence...
  15. NomadicHavoc

    Super Citizen

    The new EVA and PIS systems look sick. LOVE it!!! View:
  16. NomadicHavoc

    Retro Gaming

  17. NomadicHavoc

    Let's Talk Suit Thrusters

    My understanding is that CIG plans to have limited suit thruster capability for navigating the vacuum of space. Some suits may have greater capabilities than others. I love this idea as it forces you to make decisions that have costs/benefits. But, would you also like to be able to use this...
  18. NomadicHavoc

    How to Make Salvage Amazing

    Here is an interesting idea on how to make salvage more dynamic. What are your thoughts? View:
  19. NomadicHavoc

    To The Death

    By this analogy, in SC I should either become a God of War or just a really really really good TEST dummy. I'll bet on the latter. View:
  20. NomadicHavoc

    Subspace Rhapsody

    Anybody else totally dig Star Trek Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody? I thought this episode was a whole lotta fun. If you're not familiar Captain Pike and his crew find themselves stuck in a mysterious fold in subspace that causes them to sing out their inner thoughts. Below are a couple of...
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