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  1. LoicFarris

    Mining Leader Board - Final Total 79.87 Million Mined! - Winner Spiffman

    Okay I remembered the server info this time! I was rushing that last time. 😁 I'd have 3 here if the game hadn't made me go splat against the moon when I tried to jump to Sunder yesterday.
  2. LoicFarris

    Mining Leader Board - Final Total 79.87 Million Mined! - Winner Spiffman

    Just me messing around while I take a break from my presentation.
  3. LoicFarris

    Giving away a Red Subsriber Multi-Tool - Winner is Sintha

    Okay, so everybody posted "something" I'm going to post a whole lot of nothing.
  4. LoicFarris

    Daymar Cave Mining- Saturday June 13th 2:00pm EST / 6:00pm UTC

    I should be able to attend this event.
  5. LoicFarris

    Yo, Ellie here :)

    I claim absolutely no responsibility for anything that happens beyond this point! ...unless it involves alcohol and a crash landing! :o7:
  6. LoicFarris

    [Video] Origin Rover Concept Sale

    Thank You! I hope they read it and it gets the wheels turning at least.
  7. LoicFarris

    Luxury ships - what's the point?

    Just tossing my thoughts in. If you fully upgrade a 600i it can be a beast, but you need to know which parts to use. Basically my 600 has Reverant's on the forward guns and attritions on the turrets. The QT drive and shields are Military A, the coolers and power supply are both Industrial A...
  8. LoicFarris

    [Video] Origin Rover Concept Sale

    Yes Please @Phil if you want to see anything happen w/ the 600i I have a pretty detailed post there that I'm trying to get upvotes for especially now that we have a CIG developer confirming that it will get a full rework...
  9. LoicFarris

    Keemstar vs H3H3

    ONLY if I get to rub your head!!
  10. LoicFarris

    Keemstar vs H3H3

    @Tei for what it's worth, I've gotten to know @Montoya well enough to feel confident in saying this. This is a misunderstanding caused by the lack of emotion and humor conveyed by text. Montoya has a very sarcastic sense of humor which over text could be taken the wrong way very easily. But I...
  11. LoicFarris

    Invictus F8 Sale - Cast your Vote

    More of us who have spent less than 10k than those who have and they can easily give them a unique skin and loadout. In the end neither of our opinions matter, only time will tell.
  12. LoicFarris

    Colorado TESTies

    It would have to be in it's own category so you could search.
  13. LoicFarris

    Colorado TESTies

    I wonder if it would be a good idea to pin posts for each state / country we have TESTies in. Good for just local conversation and for setting up get-togethers.
  14. LoicFarris


    Colorado TESTies Done!
  15. LoicFarris

    Colorado TESTies

    Hey Colorado TESTies, I thought I'd setup this thread to round everybody up, once this COVID thing is a thing of the past we should talk about setting up a CO TEST Event!
  16. LoicFarris


    Now do we do this in town or make an excuse to drive to Breck!
  17. LoicFarris


    I had no idea, my buddy Callil is in North Denver too. We need to figure out who's here and do a TEST get together once this pandemic is over.
  18. LoicFarris


    Oooo where? I'm in the South Denver Metro Area along the i25 corridor just south of the Tech Center.
  19. LoicFarris

    Invictus F8 Sale - Cast your Vote

    I totally get where you're coming from, if they do put it on sale then they need to make sure that the 10k backers get a special loadout standard or whatever and a special skin. I am happy buying it w/o being a 10k backer and buying the parts in-game.
  20. LoicFarris

    Invictus F8 Sale - Cast your Vote

    My long lost brother... you just described me as well! They better name at least one ship the TigersClaw
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