Final savings:
LTI, non-giftable, "in hangar" - $160
LTI, non-giftable, "ongoing" - $160
LTI, giftable, "in hangar" - $140
LTI, giftable, "ongoing" - $140
Not the best series of events for discounts, unfortunately.
I believe this may be what you are looking for:
For those running bunkers, etc. and wanting to use and keep a pledge or aUEC purchased weapon (Looted weapons apparently don't work), this may be of interest...
I'd suggest the SRV, Storm, A1 Spirit and C1 Spirit as all are likely to see a price increase shortly (Some\all potentially at or before IAE).
Having them in buyback locked to the current prices, with 10 years insurance, could be useful.
It would have been nice to see what the coverage areas of the gun(s) on the Storm were - It doesn't sit too much higher than the top of the track guards on the rear tracks, limiting the ability to go hull-down and only have the gun appearing over a ridge, but if it has reasonable depression...
That includes the software:
The "Tech content" is the only thing that differs between this and the Lynx. Even for the Corsair, that section didn't extend much past the "art" and "design" portions, either.
Today's CCU was a disappointment - A more expensive, less usable copy[1] of the Eclipse CCU from a couple of days ago.
[1] The CCU uses the same source ships as the Eclipse did, but is $10 more to purchase ($290, compared to Eclipse CCU at $280). The final ship is also more expensive, closing...
Looking at the roadmap, There's only one "unannounced" vehicle that the US Vehicle team are shown as currently working on (ISC today stated it was the US team creating it), with work scheduled for completion in early August (Work on that vehicle started at the start of the year), so it may be...
According to ISC, it has finished Greybox, and into material\detail stage (or possibly LOD0), so it may not be too far away.
Looking at the roadmap, There's only one "unannounced" vehicle that the US Vehicle team are shown as currently working on (ISC stated it was the US team creating it)...
Indiana Jones' story finished with 'The Last Crsade".
Any later movie(s) can be considered as some form of "multiverse", with no relationship to the originals.
The problem with this one is that it overlaps the Vulture, which recently had a very large "release to flyable" price jump, so anyone who had CCU's from that time will already have better savings - the WB CCU at release was a $25 saving as well, those bought before release save even more (even...
The Avenger Warlock had a WB CCU in September last year for "pirate week" -
My original thought had been that they landed "top down", with the nose of the Fury pointed towards the centre of the landing "ring"\body of the Endeavor, but if there was gravity added to the inside of the ring, this could be altered so the Fury's docked from the sides (pointing towards the...
You mean something like a version of the "super-collider" ring that instead houses Fury's, docked nose-in to allow the pilots to enter\exit ships as required?
I'm not sure CIG have made any decision about them yet...
There was a discussion about the "value" of them in this forum a few months ago:
One of the more recent comments (5 years old now) I have seen about them was...