I think luxury ships are neccesary to have in a universe because they portray the economy demographic well.
Aside from making the universe more diverse, if CIG did not add ANY luxury ships, we were going to request it as an addition anyways. Makes the game less one tone-ish
It can be a bit akward to get it the first time, but I have to step on the side of the seat and place my feet in, and then sit.
I could remedy this by adding carseat sliders for a bit easier in/out movement but I don't mind it :)
I got turned off as soon as I saw lifetime packages are a temporary obtainable perk. I hate sinking money in something I'll never truly "own" by paying monthly aceess
Vanguard Warden LTI-- Melt value: $245 --My price: $220 (Pic: https://gyazo.com/22a11c1b8ecfc1b13a0649a170e3e1e6 )
Reason for this bargain is I need to money for some peripheral gear
pm me if interested
Before you ask, Its an alienware pc case, that I put my parts in :P
Titan xp
2tb hdd
500gig ssd
850watt corsair PSU
Joysticks are the Virpil WarBRD base+ Constelation delta sticks
Throttle is the Virpil Mongoose T50 (non textured grip varient)
Steeringwheel is the Thrustmaster...