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  1. Hybus

    Ship disapearing after leaving your ship

    I stopped doing that this patch, ever since, no ship poofing.
  2. Hybus

    Ship disapearing after leaving your ship

    every time it's happened to me was when I logged out in a ship bed, soon as I landed somewhere and got out, ship poofed.
  3. Hybus

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    Well, at least it's not a Silverado.
  4. Hybus

    I was watching this thinking is was an SC commercial for a new ship!!!

    I thought he was painting minis for a minute there at the table.
  5. Hybus

    Benny Henge Masks Distributed

    I just noticed it on my account, yay
  6. Hybus

    Titan Armor Information & Discussion/Theory - Titans Are Coming!

    As do I, it's in lion configuration at the moment.
  7. Hybus

    Javelin - CIWS system !!

    Torpedoes in CR games are historically slow though. I remember all the times in Wing Commander full afterburning for the target, letting it drop the last second and peeling out.,
  8. Hybus

    Hurt Locker race - SC Demolition derby!

    Test card comes with free valet parking, provided you're the valet and you don't give a crap where you park.
  9. Hybus

    looks like 3.11 goes live today

    woo! surprises!
  10. Hybus

    Titan Armor Information & Discussion/Theory - Titans Are Coming!

    I think we need the ability to properly link up,
  11. Hybus

    Ship Talk - Origin 135C Review

    It also can't land in a Carrack (@Stevetank for the reference) at least not in the top landing deck. If it could, I might consider one as the shuttle. No idea whether you could stuff one in the loading ramp.
  12. Hybus

    Montoya's video on the Redeemer - It sucks less.

    That actually looks really good(better than the original) but I think they wanted some VTOL support in there.
  13. Hybus

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    All very true, which is why I'm curious to see what happens when they drop it into the PTU. Not much of a blockade runner if the guys on the space moped can keep up with you.
  14. Hybus

    Mercury Cult - Now on Live! Go Fly!

    I'm curious to how fast it will actually be.
  15. Hybus

    ROC - Fix it please

    I find with my ROC I'm getting inside it, and nothing will turn on, can't exit, can't even suicide. My last attempt on this on tuesday has resulted in a ROC I can't claim anywhere. Just errors out. (yes, tried several different planets)
  16. Hybus

    Armor changes in game - NuffNaff

    Yeah, this is on their end, not yours. I've got a very high end PC, and when I switch armour, I still have have time to walk places, buy food and drink, eat food and drink before it updates that i'm actually wearing a helmet.
  17. Hybus

    What to when you sent somewhere down south for work?

    Work sends me down to that area few times a year, enough that it was worth it for me to have an annual pass. Honestly it felt safer there then the rest of Orlando, Disney was the only place I saw employees dive on folks for not wearing masks or having their face dicks hanging out. Piloting the...
  18. Hybus

    Star Citizen roadmap 3.11 update

    Everyone is just waiting MSR,
  19. Hybus

    What to when you sent somewhere down south for work?

    Drinks! Aunt Berut does not skimp on the pours, also gonna steal that. Hijinks! Gonna steal that too. Crap, crashed 2, that hunk of junk is my ticket out of here. Didn't make it far, Imperial cruiser waiting in orbit and the hyperdrive failed. Tossed into Imperial Detention Well, I...
  20. Hybus

    [Video] VR is getting a very affordable entry device in the Quest 2!

    You can always make a fake FB account with no one attached to it to bind your Oculus to
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