Downgrades. You need a few special things to happen and they aren't worth it. I have an old Carrack ($600) to Prowler ($440) ccu "downgrade" available for buyback at $25
Do you have any cheap LTI Token ships? You are better off buying those back with new cash, upgrading them to better ships, and then sell the better upgraded ship.
You can sell RSI credits at a 30-40% loss quickly or sell upgraded ships at a slight profit/breakeven.
Good luck, they probably do this to fight the grey market. This is done to prevent grey market sellers like yourself from obtaining hundreds of upgrades in your buyback list to sell at a later date.
Welcome to TEST. Always best to hang out awhile before you offer to buy items from TEST members on your first day.
I wish I still had my coat.
There are a few good LTI ships in there. Maybe not the best subject for your first post but I would try to sell giftable ships first. Star Hangar is a great option to sell items too.