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  1. Glum

    Mining Gameplay loop 3.9

    Just watched this video about development to the mining gameplay loop for 3.9 and beyond : View: Looks like we'll be needing those exploration ships, security, and potentially cargo, and refueling at the new mining sites.
  2. Glum

    It's a me!

  3. Glum

    Installed new RAM, computer slowed down!

    Did the new stick pass memtest? I had 1 Corsair dominator fail on me out of the box.
  4. Glum

    Home Sweet Home

    Welcome home sir! Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
  5. Glum

    Are there any TEST Mountain Bikers out there?

    These are my mountain bikes
  6. Glum

    Hey everyone...

  7. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    26 asteroids sampled. only 3 worth mining CRU L1 tungsten, corundum, aluminum, diamond, titanium, laranite, gold, borase, hephaestanite dolivine, aphorite
  8. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    While beautiful, the Yela Ring wasn't very fruitful. Lots of hit, but poor quality. Yela ring titanium, corundum, aluminum, diamond, gold, tungsten, hephaestanite, borase(low %) dolivine, hadanite
  9. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Our first pass on Arial: Arial bexalite, tungsten, quartz, hephaestanite hadanite
  10. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Our first Microtech pass: Microtech diamond, corundum, copper, tungsten, aluminum, beryl, quartz aphorite, hadanite, dolivine
  11. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    @Trinarius Our pass on Ita: Ita taranite, copper, tungsten, titanium, gold, agricium, aluminum, diamond, beryl, quartz, corundum aphorite
  12. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Update for Wala Location Ship Minable Hand Minable #trips Wala agricium, quartz, diamond, beryl, titanium, gold, tungsten, copper, taranite (all hits far distance apart--very sparse) dolivine, hadanite 1
  13. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Update for Lyria Location Ship Minable Hand Minable #trips Lyria beryl, corundum, diamond, tungsten, copper, bexalite, agricium, laranite, aluminum (all hits far distance apart--very sparse) aphorite, hadanite 1
  14. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Update for Cellin: Location Ship Minable Hand Minable #trips Cellin diamond, corundum, copper, tungsten, laranite, agricium, beryl, quartz, hephaestanite, bexalite, titanium, gold, taranite dolivine, 4
  15. Glum

    Crowdsourcing Ore Location Info - 3.8

    Here is what we saw so far: Mining Data from SC 3.8 (Trinarius and Glumm on Mole) Location Ship Minable Hand Minable #trips Lyria Wala ARC L1-L5 Crusader Cellin Daymar titanium, gold, diamond, corundum, aluminum, tungsten, beryl...
  16. Glum


    Where you from stranger? Colorado What drew you to Star Citizen? I like MMOs and space RPGs What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Exploration, hopefully crafting and some story elements at a future development cycle What was the first game you remember...
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