Behold, the Anvil - Anvil! Both heavily armored for a tank role and useful for when you crash on a planet and need to hammer out stuff. Weapons? No worries, the whole ship is one big hardpoint!
I bought it. Then I melted it when rummaging through the concierge store this weekend and saw the scoundrel pack. I had all the ships in it except the caterpillar, I wanted a caterpillar.
Technically a potato could bring glory to Test, it's all in how creatively you use it. Either using radiation to make it into a giant potato and making some rad vodka, or just stuffing it into the tailpipe of someone's Bengal. In the end, it's all hilarious.
I really like the sentinel, particularly the internal design. Not enough to trade out any of my existing glut of ships, but I still like it. Gotta save something to get in the live verse.
Ran it last night in a cutty, as I loaded in, some friendly blasted me enough to shoot off all my left weapons, so I flew the whole match with half guns, still lots of fun
It's not just that, this is also a "low" cost vessel after dropping the mine layer. So it will encourage some people who wouldn't open their wallets for that.
No doubt, but do we know anything about the quality of the components? civi, industrial, military? The webpage is currently being overwhelmed and I can't read anything