Thank you all for the warm, albeit belated welcomes... though as I've had a bit of an identity change since I originally began TESTING, I suppose it's an all new welcome anyway.
Sleeping for 3 years?
In this case, it was the fearsome necromancer, @Stevetank
TESTIE TUGGERS was the previously proposed new division... I had suggested TEST REPO. So really I'm just stealing and adding to an existing idea... or you are, since it's your business venture. THIEF!
I have used the grey market successfully multiple times now for myself and to get friends started with LTI ships. Let me know how it goes, @Horatus ... if it doesn't go well, you can always borrow one of mine.
I keep Origin installed for Titanfall 2 and the rare times I feel like seeing what's happening in Star Wars the Old Republic. Apex Legends has me hooked.
Epic Store however, I totally uninstalled.
If your friend is still looking, this dude seems to be a decent bet right now -- [WTS] Sabre Raven Code $70
I think Grey Market will be the best way at the moment. :\
Agreed; I'd love to see some pin-up nose art for other ships too (like my Sabres...)
I too bought one; figured it wouldn't hurt to have arguably the better version of the SH in my hangar just in case.