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  1. Shadow Reaper

    Crypto discussion

    To be clear, I am not opposed to investing. When people provide investment monies, they are moving currency and that provides a service. I am opposd to people who buy into pyramid schemes knowing that eventually, someone is going to be left holding the bag of worthless coinage. Only con men...
  2. Shadow Reaper

    RSI Scorpius - New heavy fighter!

    I'm guessing there are 4 S2 wing guns and 4 S2 turret. Scorpions all around is 2,540 DPS. The Vanguard with 6 Scorpions and 1 M7A is 2925, and has greater range. But. . ."revolutionary rail-mounted remote turret". . .this is a single pilot ship. The original shot shows a Scorpius flying...
  3. Shadow Reaper

    Crypto discussion

    The reason everyone is so enticed by fake coinage is, they ask themselves "what is a way to make money?" instead of "what is an honest way to make money?" The only way to make money with fake coinage is to leave someone else holding the bag. The only honest way to make money is to produce a...
  4. Shadow Reaper

    2nd Try from an UltraLoser

    Welcome! I lived in Portland for 12 years. So sad to see what's happened to the city. Have you been in to view the carnage?
  5. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    That's really not how it works. In the past I tried several times to organize a privateering group and was ordered to cease and desist. It takes a leader with enough time to hang on Discord, get known by the proper people at TEST, and then if they okay it you can organize. I don't honestly...
  6. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    I totally agree. I'll own I have no interest in grinding night after night to get a pile of imaginary gold. I'd rather purchase the kinds of ships that interest me at least to start, and focus on playing my game, which I think is going to involve first, deep strikes into Vanduul territory with...
  7. Shadow Reaper

    Star Maps

    Yeah. Last time I tried to load that it didn't work, but it's working now. Note that the only medium ingress the Vanduul have on the map to Leir is through 4 UEE systems, so there must be an uncharted, medium sized jump either direct to Leir or to an adjacent system.
  8. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    I don't understand your objection. No one here has at any time suggested a rigid, mandatory, anal, qualification system; yet several have presumed to say that TEST is not a good fit because qualifying somehow takes effort. How many reassurances absent any anal suggestions do people need to...
  9. Shadow Reaper

    Star Maps

    Yes well, I can't guess why CIG would make their own map wrong, given they have one. For instance, I have yet to see a map showing a medium jump between Leir and Vanguard, despite official lore is a pair of Void Bombers attacked Leir from Vanguard, and they certainly can't fit through the small...
  10. Shadow Reaper

    Star Maps

    Anyone want to recommend a map with authority? I have had several over the years and they nearly always go missing after a year or two, and those that I have access to now contradict each other. Worse still is since players abscond with the SC logo regularly, there's no reason to trust which...
  11. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    So to go back to the original observation, the driver's seat in the tonk has no radar. Unless someone can observe first hand that it does, I'll go by the half dozen vids I've watched now, and assert that without someone in the command position, the Tonk is mostly blind. I have already seen on...
  12. Shadow Reaper

    Crypto discussion

    Yes. Any time a government prints money to pay for anything, they devalue everyone's work. That is the opposite of what a good sovereign should do. BTW, when people compare the US to Scandanavia as per social services, they forget two things. First off, that the US paid virtually all the...
  13. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    I get that, but pilots all play one role--they're pilots. They have many skills they bring to bare but they're always in the piloting role. That's not true of cap ship crew nor even Tonk crew. There needs to be a real mechanism to pass down information and training to people playing these new...
  14. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    Have you been devloping specializd vernacular in order to communicate better? Has anyone been writing training manuals?
  15. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    That's all full of awesome. What does TSMC stand for, and how often do you and they train? Are the TSMC and YellowJackets the same group? What lessons learned can we apply to the Navy--those cap ships needing large crews? Do you think the need to train together transfers to training on the...
  16. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    Those are all great ideas. Wait to pen them until Montoya decides its worth his time. The simpler the better. My experience with Ailon Nova Guard and The Wraiths in SWC was that it's easy to get people to design programs and hard to get them to run them. Fortunately, brilliant players will...
  17. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    Well, I have never suggested making any training mandatory, and I'm not even sure we need to be graded. Grading is a very complex subject not undertaken lightly. We shouldn't pass over it simply to avoid all unplesantries. I may well be there are some skills easy to grade and some that are...
  18. Shadow Reaper

    Crypto discussion

    I'm not a financial wizard, but maybe that is why this seems simple to me--I can see the forest through the trees. Currency represents work. We pay currency for a product or service, and it is moderated by a sovereign, who's job it is to see our work is not devalued. Back in the 70's? there...
  19. Shadow Reaper

    RSP. . .coming soon

    Great vid, explaining some of what we're missing, and what is soon to come. View:
  20. Shadow Reaper

    Qualifying for Positions

    That about makes you the perfect guy to figure this out. IMHO, the best guys in leadership most often did not want the job. They just knew how to do the job right. Sounds like that could be you. So look, Harry buys a Polaris. He needs an EM warfare/scan guy, a navigator, a couple engineers...
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