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  1. CrashMan054


    Have an internet cookie, sir! :D
  2. CrashMan054

    Theme Song

    My...ears...I can't feel them...
  3. CrashMan054

    Greetings fellow drunk Citizens!

    Make sure you clip one wing off on an asteroid to witness the game's stunning particle effects. :P Welcome to TEST!
  4. CrashMan054

    Hi m8s!

    Welcome to TEST!
  5. CrashMan054

    Theme Song

  6. CrashMan054

    Got promoted from Captain to Grand Admiral:

    Oh, can I shoot at nothing while the star looms ever closer? Also, congrats on spending a ton of money!
  7. CrashMan054


    *GASP* Someone gets it! Either that, or he copied my post...
  8. CrashMan054

    Theme Song

    There's an org with ponies? *smile slowly fills face until face is no longer a face*
  9. CrashMan054

    Theme Song

    IDK if we have a list of theme songs, but this should be added to the list: Just put a TEST logo somewhere, and poof.
  10. CrashMan054

    I'll take it if it's black.

    I'll take it if it's black.
  11. CrashMan054


    Looks nice to me, I might pick one up for the FPS potential.
  12. CrashMan054

    So FPS first look good / bad what did you think

    I love the look of it, and zero-G fighting will be a nice inclusion. Like I said in another thread, that hip fire mechanic looked odd to me(who comes from the realm of PS2 and TF2).
  13. CrashMan054

    Shard Collective

    Heh, looks better than that redeemer and the excuse to CCU(ah, I mean the Herald).
  14. CrashMan054

    Greetings my fellow cavemen!

    Civ 2 FTW :) Welcome to TEST!
  15. CrashMan054

    I secretly recorded our super sexy party the other night

    That's a very secret video you've got there...
  16. CrashMan054

    What did I miss?

    The FPS looks very nice to me, but I'm intrigued by that hip fire aim they were showing. I've watched it a few times, can't see why they'd do that, but also can't see why not.
  17. CrashMan054

    [GIVEAWAY] Free AMD Mustang package to a TEST SQUADRON member!

    I have one, but I want two so I can weld them together. Help?
  18. CrashMan054

    Are you getting any of the new ships?

    Definitely a redeemer, when I have a couple hundred to spare.
  19. CrashMan054

    so is this new patch as awesome as the patch notes?

    I've actually managed to hit something with non-gimballed weapons on a mouse and keyboard, so it's a big improvement for me!
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