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  1. WarrenPeace

    illustrated video about recent bull*** on reddit

    Careful, you might trigger @GrammarGestapo
  2. WarrenPeace

    RSI Profile links

    Very nice! Now I can clear that garbage out of signature and put in more animated gifs.
  3. WarrenPeace

    Here to muck out the Space Zoo!

    Ooh! Ooh! I want to pet the animals! Which ones won't poison me if I try to give them pets? Welcome to TEST!
  4. WarrenPeace

    Upgrade in progress

    That is a sweet set of pedals, may they serve you well!
  5. WarrenPeace

    Bomber Squadron?

    Hopefully, Squadron 42 will let us get a better idea of the durability of various bombers. Personally, I would favor a harassment/protection role for our escorts, preferably leaning towards more nimble ships like the 325a and Gladius: 1) Bombers and Escorts detect incoming enemy fighters 2)...
  6. WarrenPeace

    WDYDT? (What Did You Drink Today)

    These are dark times. Here are some dark beers to match.
  7. WarrenPeace

    Raffle - Winners Announced!! Window stickers and a Merlin!

    Curses! Foiled again! Congratulations madame on your classy af decal!
  8. WarrenPeace

    Star Wars Battlefront: Super Spectacular Saturdays [Oct. 10, 2015]

    EA is a terrible, money-sucking company that hates gamers and its own employees, and only lives to drain the life out of video games in quest after the almighty dollar. But it's Star Wars, so I'll be there.
  9. WarrenPeace

    I keep buying ships x.O

    Honestly, LTI shouldn't be a very big issue with that relatively small hangar (small by unreasonable ship buying fanatic standards). Hull insurance is supposed to be cheap enough that a single mission will cover it for a long time in real life. Considering you only have 2 ships without LTI, you...
  10. WarrenPeace

    State of the Squadron 11 is here!

    Also, I'm going to claim some completely unfounded credit here:
  11. WarrenPeace

    New Ship to be sold at Citizen Con - Never seen before

    I'm praying it's the Prowler. There's no way I could afford a Crucible this soon after then Endeavor sale.
  12. WarrenPeace

    Howdy all

    Welcome to TEST! Unlike these filthy heretics, I own not one but TWO Auroras. So I can loan you one until you can correct your grievous error. Just restock the minifridge and clean the leather when you're done, alright?
  13. WarrenPeace


    Welcome to TEST! Even if you can't quite manage SC yet, we play lots of other games right now too. Just hop on Discord and ask around.
  14. WarrenPeace


    Welcome to TEST, glad to have you here!
  15. WarrenPeace

    What type of Endeavor did you buy?

    Hope-Class Endeavour Montoya's Anatomy standing by. Here to patch booboos and dispense hair o' the dog.
  16. WarrenPeace

    Fuck UPS.

    Fuck UPS.
  17. WarrenPeace

    Endeavor, or something else?

    LTI only matters if you own enough ships that insuring them all will be prohibitively expensive. Otherwise, fugeddaboudit.
  18. WarrenPeace

    Mitoh, finally checking in

    So when you said you were going to invest in the game, you weren't kidding. Welcome to TEST!
  19. WarrenPeace

    "Remember, that the general rule in Star Citizen is that ‘if it fits, it sits’" - From Endeavour...

    "Remember, that the general rule in Star Citizen is that ‘if it fits, it sits’" - From Endeavour Q&A 1
  20. WarrenPeace

    More hate mongering and general lack of facts

    And that's precisely why I'm not watching it.
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