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  1. Raven_King

    Omni Sticks or Standard Sticks

    I love my HOSAS setup, Virpil Alphas on WarBRD bases with the Z-extensions on both sticks. Feels very natural to me now, using BuzZzKiller's bindings. Here's how he has them set up: Right stick: forward/backward = pitch left/right=yaw I tried two types of pedals, and gave up because the chair...
  2. Raven_King

    Arrastra QnA open on Spectrum

    You're bonkers. But as long as there's a character animation for it...
  3. Raven_King


    Absolutely - what's the point in some of us owning lots of ships, or really big/expensive ships, if we never let anyone else use them? What's the current mechanic/system for how/when ships de-spawn after the owner disconnects/logs out of the game? Some of the essential gameplay around having...
  4. Raven_King

    Fusion is coming

    JT-60SA, the tokamak fusion reactor in Japan that just came online these past few days is now the biggest in the world, with a plasma radius of 3 m and a plasma volume of 130 m³. It's very exciting. Another fusion experiment under construction is ITER, based in France and led by the EU with a...
  5. Raven_King

    Mixologist Masters Class

    I usually drink beer for much the reason @Dirtbag_Leader suggests, but these are two excellent cocktails, worth the effort: Old Fashioned: Old fashioned recipe | BBC Good Food - I like Woodford Reserve or a similar fairly light/smooth American bourbon for this drink. You may prefer the flavour...
  6. Raven_King

    Hey lets have a fleet post eh?

    You have Port Olisar? Nice. (Joking aside, nice fleet pic - those ships cover a lot of different game loops.)
  7. Raven_King

    Hello form the south of Blighty! (Thats the UK to some folks).

    Welcome to Test Squadron from a fellow Brit, @SumguyHannibal! Have you joined our Discord? It's a good deal busier than here :)
  8. Raven_King

    8th TESTiversary?!

    Happy Testiversary, welcome home, and hope you’re feeling better, chief. Called it before I even scrolled down. Beautiful! :glorious:
  9. Raven_King

    How should CIG deal with toxic players and harassment outside of the game?

    Bullying behavior and physical or emotional abuse is covered to some extent by most of our national law systems. Harassing or assaulting someone is illegal (as well as immoral). The main challenge seems to be identifying the suspected perpetrator, and presenting enough evidence to get the police...
  10. Raven_King

    TEST Achievement Unlocked

    Ooh, nice ride!
  11. Raven_King

    The making of an LTI Polaris (IAE 2953).

    Not sure if you are being serious or not. Maybe it was a joke, but if not... ...By starting off with a small ship, usually a new ship or new variant on sale for the first time that comes with lifetime insurance (LTI). Then you apply a series of discounted 'warbond' upgrades successively to it...
  12. Raven_King


    Welcome @ColdRain_SnowStorm, nice to have you in Test Squadron.
  13. Raven_King

    The future of Spectrum in the PU?

    I could be wrong, but I get the feeling @Aramsolari isn't all that keen on Spectrum?
  14. Raven_King

    Reddit: Bad Galaxy Modules

    This is worth two minutes of your day: 🤣
  15. Raven_King

    Hello 'Test' World

    Welcome to Test Squadron, jokrone! Is that pronounced like 'Joker-one' or 'Joe-crone' or something else? I do love the look of the shiny concierge armor, but it must be such a bullet magnet. We'd draw less attention wearing the monocle and top hat. :o7:
  16. Raven_King

    Post IAE 2953 fleet changes

    That was the feeling I got too, but apparently we're not right about that - the funding dashboard in CCUGame today saying Nov '23 brought in >18% more than Nov '22, and it's not quite over yet: So overall funding for 2023 is currently up >3% on this time last year. It looks like the SQ42...
  17. Raven_King

    I flew something I shouldn't have.

    Thanks to @marcsand2 who posted about the experimental modes in Arena Commander for us to try out (and earn a badge if you want), you can give a version of Master Modes a go in Master Modes: Vanduul Swarm indefinitely, and in Master Modes: Duel. I only played each long enough to earn the badge...
  18. Raven_King

    Ship Speculations!

    Yeah, I think it's been discussed by John Crew a couple of times. Here's a Reddit post about it - not sure if it's the one @Bambooza meant. And BoredGamer did a piece including that news when it broke: Star Citizen News - Banu Merchantman Pauses Production | BoredGamer. I read it as being in...
  19. Raven_King

    Post IAE 2953 fleet changes

    Remove: none, but went through all my CCUs and melted the ones I didn't have a reason to keep. That's always cathartic. I maintain a massive spreadsheet that complements CCUGame, and it's pleasing when they are both fully up to date. :) Add: Syulen because why not, and it has LTI if I get tired...
  20. Raven_King

    I flew something I shouldn't have.

    Looks impressive! If you'll excuse an off-topic aside, I wonder why Military Times/Sightline Media used a fairly obviously computer-voiced narration, and decided it was good enough to publish? It probably wouldn't please Hermeus that they did that on the cheap. I don't necessarily object per...
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