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  1. SullyQuindarius

    Mod for Software Developer of Chevereto copies SC screenshot sharing website from a paying client

    Fuck this dude. Normally, I doubt there's anything you could do about it...but you're a paying customer here. At least get your money back.
  2. SullyQuindarius

    Fallout 76 - Two shot gauss rifle vs Level 91 Deathclaw and giveaway!

    But what if you don't have FO76 and win the gun? Do you get an autographed copy from Glorious Leader?
  3. SullyQuindarius

    Need help with an AMD build.

    And SATA right in the middle.
  4. SullyQuindarius

    Need help with an AMD build.

    False. SATA SSDs are still gonna kick any HDDs ass. And M.2 is not an SSD. It's a form factor. There are M.2 SATA SSDs. What you're thinking of is NVMe. And NVMe has no real world performance improvement over SATA drives in most situations, including gaming - though Star Citizen may be the...
  5. SullyQuindarius

    Need help with an AMD build.

    Wait for Ryzen 3000 and Radeon 3000 since they'll likely be announced early 2019. Leaks and rumors are...quite promising. Also, with the build you're looking at, keep in mind you really don't need an AIO.
  6. SullyQuindarius

    New ANTHEM trailer!

    That looks badass. Now I can fulfill all my childhood Iron Man dreams but with more DAKKA!
  7. SullyQuindarius

    Did you know? SC worthless facts thread

    Did you know that if you put a Dragonfly in a ship, fly around with it, then unload, the gravlev breaks and it's useless? Not like it ruined my outing on Hurston or anything...
  8. SullyQuindarius


  9. SullyQuindarius

    Well I thought it was a reasonable response...

    My girlfriend doesn't understand video games at all, so I'm completely safe. I'm still not telling her about my almost twice over Concierge.
  10. SullyQuindarius

    Griefing Pirating how will they balance this?

    I welcome piracy and griefing later on. Regardless of the idiots who claim that "pirates and griefers always win", SC will make a pirate's life challenging no matter what, and combating them will be a ton of fun. First of all, you'll have a bad rep and crimestat. Lawful players who're looking...
  11. SullyQuindarius

    Testing hello hello hey sound sound echo 123

    WELCOME TO TEST! You can swing by my Polaris anytime once it's in-game fingers crossed !
  12. SullyQuindarius

    SALE HYPE! What are your fleet plans?

    This is what I'm sitting with. Minus the 300i (will buy back when the rework comes out, until then I can't stand the current model), Carrack (got it sitting pretty in buybacks as well) and Hawk (I have the store credit for it, just waiting for the next buyback token)
  13. SullyQuindarius

    My Official/Unofficial possibly maybe Hangar Fleet (2018)

    Seems a little redundant to me. Cutty, Lancer MIS, Starrunner. Arrow and Hornet. And then the Prospector all by itself :P Maybe melt the Lancer MIS and Hornet and Aurora and the Lancer MAX CCU, then CCU the Cutty to a DUR and use the remaining store credit for a bigger ship (Orion perhaps). My...
  14. SullyQuindarius

    Kegstands in the Cargo Bay?

  15. SullyQuindarius

    Yo guyssss!

    WELCOME TO TEST! Do keep in mind we share nothing in common with TEST from EVE except the size and name :P
  16. SullyQuindarius

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    I like the look of the new Xi'an ship, but if I were to fly an Alien ship it would be the Defender. I love the interior concept. Sabre will stay my fighter anyway, putting an alien ship in my Polaris would be heresy.
  17. SullyQuindarius

    Anniversary Sale Megathread - See First Post for Links - Ends Dec 4

    $550 was warbond, actual price was $625 iirc. It then jumped up to $725 once flightready. People who got it cheap got ez Polarises. I am definitely not guilty of this :3
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