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  1. Gucci

    All my answers shall be shallow and pedantic! EpilogueIGG

    Welcome to Test! Also, did you mean Duck Hunt? Because I couldn't find a game called "Duck Hunter" besides this:
  2. Gucci

    [Video] An entire planet for $6M?

    I think the doors wide open for in-game ads like billboards, just not sure how they would tie-in current merchandise/services into the "future" game world.
  3. Gucci

    Saber Raven Giveaway Contest Thread - Winner announced! It's Crichten!

    Count me in, I'm really eyeing that 1000 UEC! Thanks BTW for doing things like this :)
  4. Gucci

    Greetings from a long time resister.

    Welcome!! Look forward to seeing your film on the screen sometime down the road!
  5. Gucci

    I m missing something?

    You analyzed your own situation, your willingness to put more money into the project against the perceived "need" to have anything beyond a starter, you acted completely reasonably and if everyone did that there would be less outrage posts everytime CIG wants a cash infusion.... Good work and...
  6. Gucci

    Hello all! housebroken here

    Welcome aboard!
  7. Gucci


    Welcome to the family!
  8. Gucci

    Kai'taran - Been Waiting Long Time For This

    Welcome to TEST! I am sure you will get lots of inspiration for your writing from fellow members during the next few years :)
  9. Gucci

    $27,000.00 SC mega pack

    If I was very rich, sure, its a hobby and you only live once. I feel a bit guilty having spent what I have even now though lol.
  10. Gucci

    Hi all Storkraft here

    Welcome! I'm sure your fleet will be well used :)
  11. Gucci

    Stay a while and listen

    Welcome to Test!
  12. Gucci

    Do we have an official org car?

    This one should be decently affordable for all.
  13. Gucci

    New Member Here

    Welcome to TEST!!!!!!
  14. Gucci

    Captain Cricket, reporting for retirement

    Welcome!!!! Hang onto your 325, the rework should be fantastic :)
  15. Gucci

    Two days have passed, the outrage is over. Guess the next one!

    Buybacks with credit are already limited to one a quarter arent they? I dont think theyd kill that, just maybe keep the prices the same as last sold.
  16. Gucci

    Two days have passed, the outrage is over. Guess the next one!

    Not sure if it will be the NEXT outrage but I am pretty sure they will change buyback prices to reflect the last time the ship was available (no longer their old discount price). When that happens there will be outrage.
  17. Gucci

    Hey lets have a fleet post eh?

    Nice fleet! I love seeing the 300 series around, cant wait for the rework to happen already!
  18. Gucci

    SC community freak out over warbond perks (video)

    Pretty much this, if yo uwanted to put new money in, its still an option with a great deal available to all, if you didnt want to put new money in, you can still upgrade to this ship if it really speaks to you. I just think many people think along the lines that Montoya mentioned i nhis earlier...
  19. Gucci

    SC community freak out over warbond perks (video)

    But the whole thing is the offer is open to literally EVERYONE, its almost like people think it is an insult to previous purchasers lol, its NOT.
  20. Gucci

    Hey lets have a fleet post eh?

    My fleet, not huge, not small, recently melted my Freelancer MAX and Reliant Kore to buy-back that 325$ Orion (speculation on price increase) so that little 315 is gonna have its work cut out to allow me to eventually use the others! Unless mining is nothing like I imagine its going to be, Il...
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