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  1. Lythan


    Loading all the smileys in the menu takes about 20 seconds (Great wall of... ) But yeah, rock on:metal::flag_nl::flag_cn: Oh foods, but.. but... no waffles?:disappointed:...:cry:....:angry:...:triumph:...:sleepy:
  2. Lythan

    AstroSamantha is gone, or: are women the better men...?

    That was quite the adventure you had there, the behavior between men and women is a complex one with quite the extremes, especially on the internet where social morals and such don't effect us as much. It reminds me of an article on how a woman was harassed in VR (using the Vive) from the...
  3. Lythan

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    Kept a waffle safe for you @Sam K Macer :D
  4. Lythan

    Oh myy! Hello Test peeps

    Welcome! :)
  5. Lythan

    Some Xplor Drama (also "TEST not good for the community as a whole")

    So much time on their hands... time better spend drinking beer or eating waffles! ah silly me, I mean drink beer AND eat waffles. On all this "good for community if X or Y" stuff, bet this will all change when the game goes live. See how many people actually stick around after the first few...
  6. Lythan

    ROFL I`m a BAD BAD Boy

    Good job! Show those clowns who's boss :D And really... the first thing you normally do when you land is you secure you immediate surroundings. I remember a few times in Arma 3 when we'd huddle up near the chopper to discuss our next step... that never went well. Usually ends up with someone...
  7. Lythan

    Beerbread exists.

    Beerbread exists.
  8. Lythan

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    you know.. I kind of expected it would say "If in doubt, bake a cookie" ... Better yet, "If in doubt, bake a waffle" ... can you even bake a waffle? OR "If in doubt bake a cookie-waffle"! Yes, thats it :D
  9. Lythan

    I'm here, I've beer.

    Ramming squad sounds like fun, though I imagine ramming is kind of embedded into the drunken brawl that inspirits Test... I'd be happy to join you as a marine... Using the newly created hole to board and enter! :p
  10. Lythan

    G'day all!

    Welcome and good luck!
  11. Lythan

    What is your current fleet?

    soon it wont be auroras blotting out the sun...
  12. Lythan

    What is your current fleet?

    That's quite the fleet already with only a handful of people having shared their fleets. Let me help grow this fleet even further, by mighty leaps and bounds! +1 Hornet. :p The webpage didn't work properly for me though. Will give it another try later, to build my dream fleet for the future...
  13. Lythan

    [Poll] Which ship is your favorite and why?

    My favorite future ship, most likely the Genesis. Somewhat worn out on the outside, transporting people to and from the not so wealthy (and possibly more dangerous) places in space. But for now its the F7C into the A It looks militaristic, shoots militaristic, feels militaristic and crashes...
  14. Lythan

    [idea] TEST Suggestions for SC

    Indeed one Org can not be held in favor over another, but if we can turn this into something successful then it stands to reason that other Orgs may want to do the same thing. It would be a nice chain reaction that could reduce a lot of noise, but this may all be a little optimistic. For now I...
  15. Lythan

    [idea] TEST Suggestions for SC

    The problem I ran into on the RSI idea forums was that generally, someone had an idea and about 5 people will post and say, "hey I like this too!" but all of these are generally people that don't post too much or are not high profile. Then, there comes along one or two "veterans" with thousands...
  16. Lythan

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    re- signed up under the Shivre team :)
  17. Lythan

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    I see, then that's the time I have to tune the settings on SC to get it running properly heheh
  18. Lythan

    Unholy Tournament of Test Squadron!! for 2.6!!! Let the games begin!!!!

    When is 2.6 estimated to launch? If its after January my timezone goes back to the EU :p Though I suppose this isn't really a big problem :rolleyes:
  19. Lythan

    SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

    @Sam K Macer Sad to hear it, you are one of the persons who makes me feel welcome here! I'll keep a waffle ready for you :)
  20. Lythan

    Hey Y'all!

    Welcome! Tycoon III.... Isn't there a new one in development, or has that flopped? I remember it was said to have multiplayer functionality.
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