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  1. Fade691

    [Video] Star Citizen orgs - Part 1

    Preferably one that is well organized and has mandatory weekly meetings. I like meetings.
  2. Fade691

    Too many Carracks?

    indeed, It’s movies like this that restore my faith in humanity.
  3. Fade691

    Do we have an official org car?

    Just need to paint it yellow and black and I’ll be good to go.
  4. Fade691

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    Yes I signed up on that list and thank you for taking the time to help us get organized. Organizing anything Test related is a tall order and the effort is really appreciated. Let me know if you need any further info... Speaking of, I will probably be driving down with @Takon so for convenience...
  5. Fade691

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    So Austin is one of those bucket list items for me, driven through there so many times but never able to stay and visit, and i love music festivals. so im gonna make a proper vacay of this and come for the whole week and probably go to weekend 2 of the festival also. Anyone else thinking of...
  6. Fade691

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    secured my standard ticket, by the time the option for premium actually showed up on my computer, there was none left :disappointed:
  7. Fade691

    CitizenCon 2018 Austin Texas

    Will be there as long as i can grab a ticket. So looking forward to meeting many of you finally. Thinking about driving down from St. Louis, if anyone in the general area wants to share the gas cost we could use my suburban to road trip in comfort.
  8. Fade691

    Testie wins great prize at BritizenCon 2018!

    Wow... That Desk... I want that so bad
  9. Fade691

    Testie wins great prize at BritizenCon 2018!

    Congratulations @Shadowscout, That case looks sweet.
  10. Fade691

    Mystery member???

    Drunk and took a wrong turn most likely
  11. Fade691

    Do additional game packages still create character/npc slots?

    I hear you bro... at least you joined Test and are in good company while we figure out all the things.
  12. Fade691

    @Blind_Owl jokes

    How many @Blind Owl mentions does it take for him to get online? 42!
  13. Fade691

    How many SOTS (State of the Squadron) is it going to take before full persistent universe

    I am in the Sots 16 camp. On the day of full release this hidden file our glorious leader created in a drunken stupor just for this occasion shall be revealed on his computer. Also, @Vavrik... sorry to inform you of the bad news...
  14. Fade691

    I ran into a TESTie at the zoo!

    Excellent random encounter... I’ve been wearing my test hoodie out but yet to meet a fellow testie due to it. Have met a few through our bar citizen though. Usually people just ask me what we test.
  15. Fade691

    3.1 is live

    Come land my Reclaimer at Levski for me
  16. Fade691

    3.1 is live

    Downloaded... kinda suprised we didnt get an update to the patcher as we did with the ptu.
  17. Fade691

    We should have chapters

    Exactly, i've met a few Local Testies now through our Bar Citizen. Hoping some day we do a Lan Party.
  18. Fade691

    My Poor Freelancer

    Anywhere with gravity i prefer just turning the power off, i have yet to break a landing gear.
  19. Fade691

    Destiny 2 Interest Thread

    That sums up my thoughts on the game to, Having a blast playing with you all
  20. Fade691

    Aegis Hammerhead

    Look at the contents of the purchase in your hanger/account. will show you the serial number, see my post above.
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