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  1. Doctor Antelope

    F8 Lightning is going into concept sale!

    While I hate the idea of those filthy UEE dogs having a monopoly on this type of ship, it does make sense. Government's like to keep an edge over their subjects. Going to have to vote no and wait till release so I can liberate one from a corpse.
  2. Doctor Antelope

    Is it ready yet!?

    Poor Banu... That's actually just what the top down profile of the caterpillar will look like though. jk
  3. Doctor Antelope

    OCD Nice Even Likes and Posts

    lol! Well, I guess you will just have to wait until 250 messages 300 Likes now... What's really important is how you perceive it anyway.
  4. Doctor Antelope

    OCD Nice Even Likes and Posts

    There ya go. Now give it 5 min and someone will come screw it up.
  5. Doctor Antelope

    Hello from Squire_Kaferia

    Welcome! Plenty of ships to crew around here.
  6. Doctor Antelope

    WALL OF TEXT Pirates vs Griefers: why you're thinking about it wrong.

    As the game gets closer to being complete and more factors like ship cost, component cost, insurance, and even character death come into play, pirates will obviously have to pick their targets more carefully. That will translate into picking profitable targets of course. However there will also...
  7. Doctor Antelope

    WALL OF TEXT Pirates vs Griefers: why you're thinking about it wrong.

    I would disagree a little bit that there is a "very clear distinction". This being a game and all, anyone in piracy for the profit, almost certainly isn't in it strictly for the profit. Pirates in this game won't be doing it because it's the easiest/only way to put food on the table, there will...
  8. Doctor Antelope

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    View: Am I doing this right? How do I shitpost? Edit: hmm, .gif doesn't want to work for some reason.
  9. Doctor Antelope


    Spreadsheet info: Team 1 vs Team 3: DoctorAntelope - Super Hornet Stingray - Sabre Moon_Shiner - Vanguard Specter19 - Super Hornet Team 1 vs Team 6...
  10. Doctor Antelope


    Team 1 vs Team 6 Good game everyone!
  11. Doctor Antelope


    Let's ignore that score, just add a win for team 3, loss for team 1...
  12. Doctor Antelope

    Multi-Crew Credit Grind Saturday Evening 8:00 Pacific?

    Sorry, had to drop out early guys. My RL friend got the game and needed help learning the basics. Hope you guys had fun out there!
  13. Doctor Antelope

    Multi-Crew Credit Grind Saturday Evening 8:00 Pacific?

    Tonight? I can probably pop in and do some close support.
  14. Doctor Antelope


    Great job everyone! Lots of fun. See some of you tomorrow for round two.
  15. Doctor Antelope


    Team 1 is now a man down for both today and tomorrow. Also paging @ADKL to settle the Super Hornet single seat fighter issue.
  16. Doctor Antelope

    Great to be here

    Welcome to TEST!
  17. Doctor Antelope


    I assume it will be in a private AC match, based on what the original post says. Wouldn't be possible to set them up in a public match and guarantee both teams face each other. Also randoms would join and that wouldn't be good either.
  18. Doctor Antelope

    Still stopped drinking...

    Still stopped drinking...
  19. Doctor Antelope


    Yeah, good idea, that works for me. As of now I'm still waiting on one more team member to confirm they will be able to attend any of the matches. Team 1 Status @CosmicTrader Assuming nothing unexpected in RL gets in the way, can play all matches. @Adiran Can play 10th but definitely not 11th...
  20. Doctor Antelope


    I lost my brother a few years ago as well, he was my gaming partner too. People kept saying things like "in time it will feel better" or cliched "time heals all wounds", I thought they were full of shit at first, but it turned out to be true. Anyway, I know what you mean about there being a...
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