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  1. Doctor Antelope


    Would teams 3 and 6 be willing to play their matches with team 1 on the 10th rather than the 11th? We can set them up some time after our first two scheduled matches. If not, we will be at least one man down on the 11th. Another question: Does the Super Hornet count as a single seat fighter or...
  2. Doctor Antelope

    Ghost Loadout help...

    I think you get the F7C-M for the terrapin, but now I'm afraid to say anything regarding loaners...
  3. Doctor Antelope

    Ghost Loadout help...

    Hmm, I think you're right. Looks like Xeowolf doesn't get the F7C either. I looked up a loaner ship list and it doesn't say anything about getting an F7C for the Banu, it only shows the Andromeda, must be an outdated list. Sorry I spread misinformation folks :(...
  4. Doctor Antelope

    WALL OF TEXT Pirates vs Griefers: why you're thinking about it wrong.

    Or ya know... Just hang out at Kareah and blow everyone up that comes nearby. It is specifically a PvP area, the only things to do there are PvP related. There is no com array in that area for a reason. There is specifically a mission created by CIG for you to prevent hacks, so don't tell me...
  5. Doctor Antelope

    Ghost Loadout help...

    Not really sure why you get a loaner. May just be something they haven't updated yet. Although since stealth hasn't been implemented but the weaker components on the ghost have, that may be the reason. You payed more for a specialized hornet that currently isn't really specialized. Edit: To...
  6. Doctor Antelope

    Ghost Loadout help...

    You don't need to melt the Ghost. You currently get the F7C as a loaner for owning the Ghost. The ghost can use the exact same load out as a super hornet, and you can retain its stealth by shutting off the power to the weapons and/or using a ballistic setup. I see the ghost being a viable...
  7. Doctor Antelope

    Ghost Loadout help...

    He probably had the super hornet and transferred the ball mount from that onto his Ghost (which is possible, I just tested it). That would be the only way to get the 2 size 2 mount turret. Unfortunately you can currently only buy the Size 4 specialty mount (only size 4 you cannot use a smaller...
  8. Doctor Antelope

    TEST Beer mugs, shot glasses, patches and vinyl decals!

    I've had a couple of these for about 6 months I keep them in the freezer until I want to use them and they go through the dishwasher semi frequently. I haven't noticed any signs of stress or cracking. These mugs are awesome!
  9. Doctor Antelope

    Cross post from Reddit: Shield Mechanics - Are you being destroyed by Sabres?

    I am not trying to complain about this, the authors title makes it sound that way though. I understand there is tons of tweaking/balancing to be done. More than anything I found this interesting because I didn't actually know how shields worked before I read this. I hear ya, its kind of silly...
  10. Doctor Antelope

    WALL OF TEXT Pirates vs Griefers: why you're thinking about it wrong.

    I agree with you basically 100%. The bottom line though, is that in the current state of the game there is hardly a distinction to be made. There is no cargo to steal, no real method to ransom, so the people who enjoy PvP and lean to piracy side of that spectrum have one thing to scratch that...
  11. Doctor Antelope


    Times look good to me! Team 1 sounds appropriate.
  12. Doctor Antelope

    Cross post from Reddit: Shield Mechanics - Are you being destroyed by Sabres?

    Thought some of you may find this helpful/interesting. Sorry if you have all already seen it. To be clear: This is not mine, all credit should go to /u/hermeneze Reddit...
  13. Doctor Antelope

    Sharing needles, a logo suggestion.

    I like this head better personally. Also I added a belly and some bubbles to the syringe.
  14. Doctor Antelope

    Still stopped drinking...

    Still stopped drinking...
  15. Doctor Antelope

    Show us your pants $50 GIVEAWAY thread

    My Grandparents... Not really.
  16. Doctor Antelope

    Propagandist Collaboration/Spotlight

    Wish I could say it was intentional but I never actually knew there were two. I had only ever seen the Caduceus (two snakes and wings).
  17. Doctor Antelope

    The TEST Squadron Mission Guides Initiative

    This is a fantastic idea! I'm in.
  18. Doctor Antelope

    Propagandist Collaboration/Spotlight

    Well my services aren't free...
  19. Doctor Antelope

    TEST D&D

    I'd love to play! Anytime after 4PM Mountain Time (GMT +6) weekdays. Anytime before 9pm weekends. Player, no real experience. Working on the character sheet...
  20. Doctor Antelope

    Still stopped drinking...

    Still stopped drinking...
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