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  1. Shinlen

    So I want cutlass black

    Hey guys. I've been thinking lately about getting cutlass black and I have three options. Which one do you think is best? 1 - Upgrade my starter package from Avenger Titan to Cutlass Black (tbh I don't really like Avenger Titan) 2 - Buy another Nox with LTI and then upgrade it to Cutlass Black...
  2. Shinlen

    Melting help

    Hey guys. I've never exchanged anything for credits before and I'm kinda dumb how does it work. To bo exact I have one question. I've bought Mustang starter package with SQ42 and SC starter. Then I've upgraded it to Aurora LN and then to Titan. My question here is if I melt that package does it...
  3. Shinlen

    Nox presale has started!

    Hey, don't hate me for asking that but is it possible to buy nox and then upgrade it to other ship to keep its LTI? I'd like to have LTI ship.
  4. Shinlen

    Clearance level ultra required

    So that's what "Concierge" tab was for.. Not sure why is it connected to Eclipse tho...
  5. Shinlen

    Clearance level ultra required

    So, anyone any info on this?
  6. Shinlen

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Wait... What? How does it even work?
  7. Shinlen

    Any players from Poland here?

    So I've been wondering if there were any other players from Poland who wandered here. I'd be cool to play together and talk in our native language :)
  8. Shinlen

    In-game ship price.

    So I've just received on my mail offer from RSI about Origin Jumpworks sale, and it stated that "We would like to invite you to visit your authorized Origin 300i dealer today, where we are offering a limited-time 5,000 UEC ($5 USD) rebate to any pilot trading in an Aurora spacecraft towards the...
  9. Shinlen

    Rainbow Six Siege Free Weekend Codes

    So, if someone wants to try R6 Siege this weekend for free, you can use one of these codes with Uplay. Enjoy. K38R-GW34-R44V-PCXU XWDQ-MRNA-VWBL-LKB7 VGHJ-CH6G-3R34-YWF7 "Free access begins Saturday, December 19th at 12:01 AM CET through Monday, December 21st, at 06:01 AM CET."
  10. Shinlen

    Newbie troubles - some questions.

    Screenshot with "OFF" weapons as for point 2.1 Also thanks for your help. All my problems not including this one were solved.
  11. Shinlen

    Newbie troubles - some questions.

    Hey guys. I'm pretty much fresh newbie and I encountered few things disturbing to my gameplay and I'd like to ask you for help or some explanation of it if you don't mind. Today I've decided to learn how to fly using mouse and keyboard and I've encountered few problems. 1. Sometimes when I try...
  12. Shinlen

    Hi all, newbie here!

    Hello mates, my handle is xShinlen and my real name is Łukasz. I've bought game today so I am totally new to game (don't hate me). I am from Poland so my english isn't first class as I don't use it too often and learn it because of my own choice not obligation. About Star Citizen I've heard...
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