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  1. Schmunkel

    Gameglass - interesting take on adding an iPad/Android to the SC experience

    I think this looks amazing, but $139 for lifetime access or having a subscription makes it a hard pass. If this was a one time purchase of say $20 to $40 I would go for it. Supposedly they will have a bare-bones free version as well. I also worry about CIG putting a stop to this as they are...
  2. Schmunkel

    Looking to try out mining and borrow a Prospector

    They really need to get some of the smaller functions in the game like mission sharing in gorups and even being able to just pay other players directly. These are simple quality of life items that would really help out with minimal investment.
  3. Schmunkel

    CIG official response to some old (and not so old) questions

    I am still waiting for them to begrudgingly announce that you will only be able to have an NPC crew of 2 or 3 and watch all the large ship owners have a heart attack. I am actually looking forward to being crew on the larger ships, and I think is a big advantage of our org where we have not only...
  4. Schmunkel

    Looking to try out mining and borrow a Prospector

    I am tempted to try to go mad with Widow runs to try to earn enough in game, however, that may take a while.
  5. Schmunkel

    Looking to try out mining and borrow a Prospector

    Thanks everyone! I will hit you up if I see you!
  6. Schmunkel

    Looking to try out mining and borrow a Prospector

    Dang family messing up my potential fun times!
  7. Schmunkel

    Looking to try out mining and borrow a Prospector

    Title says it all. I have been trying to save up for one in the game, but 1.6 million UEC is going to take me a while. Any chance I can borrow someone's Prospector to try mining out? No guarantee it won't explode as I have never mined before! My typical availability is after 8:30 PM central...
  8. Schmunkel

    Star Citizen Financials and New Investors

    I'm happy about the investment, but doesn't this mean that if any future delays hit Squadron 42 CIG may run out of funds? They appear to be dipping into the red per the documents. I'm also worried about how Star Citizen is going to stay afloat after the release of Squadron 42. They basically...
  9. Schmunkel

    Request/Idea: Montoya Star Citizen Tutorial Videos

    I feel like Montoya has much more pizazz as our cult leader that would surpass Bored's videos! Plus, more Montoya is always a good thing!
  10. Schmunkel

    Request/Idea: Montoya Star Citizen Tutorial Videos

    With the influx of new members and old lurkers like myself coming out of hiding with the game at a lot more stable point, I would like to see some Star Citizen tutorial videos from our glorious leader. I think this would be a great reference for new players (and old ones like me that haven't...
  11. Schmunkel

    Group Cargo Run

    We did a large drug run the other day with about 10 fellow Testies and made some good profit in addition to having fun. I don't remember all of the names, but I think DirectorGunner hopped on toward the end of it.
  12. Schmunkel

    Group Cargo Run

    As someone who just recently did his first solo cargo run in a Freelancer, I would love to do some more group activities like this.
  13. Schmunkel

    [Successful] Forum Upgrade Finished

    Will there be bind culling implemented to increase our FPS?
  14. Schmunkel

    Video Idea for Fearless Leader Montoya: Why does No Man's Sky get a pass?

    I'm more frustrated at how Star Citizen is seen as a scam and a buggy mess, while a game that actually came out that way is being praised now that it has seen some improvement.
  15. Schmunkel

    Video Idea for Fearless Leader Montoya: Why does No Man's Sky get a pass?

    With the latest update to No Man's Sky, I am seeing a lot of gaming sites, youtubers, and podcasts that are forgiving No Man's Sky for releasing in the sorry state of lies that it came out in based on the latest patch that "shows they are making progress even if things are still rather broken."...
  16. Schmunkel

    I loves my Freelancer. Best ship this side of an Aurora!!

    Here is hoping that the Max will have better visibility as that is what I upgraded to a while back. I may have to swap to a Hull series if it doesn't, however, I like the idea of the interior cargo better.
  17. Schmunkel

    At what point on the roadmap will we have full group functionality?

    I have fallen behind on the discussions of what is going to appear when on releases. Gameplay-wise, when are we looking to get full group functionality? For example, the ability to form a group in the PU and share missions and their rewards. I have not played in a while, but this being...
  18. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 29

    I feel like we are steadily progressing towards a daily show hosted by Montoya about all things Montoya and Star Citizen. This makes me very happy, especially given the current state of the game.
  19. Schmunkel

    Launch of Anthem Forums | Tarsis Network

    So, is this going to be another Destiny-like cash cow with microtransactions and lootboxes out the ass? I fell for the Destiny 2 hype and will be waiting until well after release to make sure this one doesn't go down the same route.
  20. Schmunkel

    Video: Im close to losing it... 6yrs is just too long.

    I love all the new Montoya content we are getting! I really want to see some footage of our glorious leader in Star Citizen!
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