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  1. Guss De Blöd

    March Giveaway - The Division - Sponsored by CrazyWavau!

    COngrats man ! But but I've put so much effort in my contribution ! took me ages! at least 2 minutes! :P
  2. Guss De Blöd


    As Fireemblem6, I like sharing the experience with viewers. Also when playing some games I like, I feel alone, and streaming viewers ( when I actually have viewers) are often nice people so it's nice to hang out with them. Plus I've found people who want to play some games with me that way...
  3. Guss De Blöd

    Random image thread

    So guys, who's the testie I met at the Geneva motorshow ? the guy was quite silent! Or maybe he was just really tired ... ( image is link to lot of pics of cars. if you're into such things.)
  4. Guss De Blöd

    I am Canadian

    hey , welcome there o7 I also love to shoot drinks! or drink shots....
  5. Guss De Blöd

    New User DavidCooky

    Hey david! welcome there ! :P
  6. Guss De Blöd

    Random image thread

  7. Guss De Blöd

    How many of you people have only one ship?

    still only have a mustang alpha :'(
  8. Guss De Blöd

    Test in GTA5?

    I'm still a little active, but I'm not allowed to accept invite XD
  9. Guss De Blöd

    February Giveaway - Rise of the Tomb Raider! [DONE!]

    Date ? screw that ! I want the real lara! let's explore some antic ruins, kill monsters and find artefacts! you can say it's a date if you want to!
  10. Guss De Blöd

    Hello Everyone!

    AcrzyRUSSIAN from pennsylvania... spy, spaies everywhre! Welcome mate!
  11. Guss De Blöd

    Meercat coming in sideways, no brakes... hot mess in bound.

    Hello you there. I selected the second drink because it has "shame" in it name. And welcome ther!
  12. Guss De Blöd

    Random Video Thread

    Fast and furious tokyo drift new generation:
  13. Guss De Blöd


    I'm not a bot I'll not answer that. !pong.
  14. Guss De Blöd

    GIVEAWAY: a small 50 cent game

    best test propaganda ? ... mh.... "Test is love, test is life, let the test fill your ...souuul."
  15. Guss De Blöd

    Ezmod intro

  16. Guss De Blöd

    Random Video Thread

    Best thing I've seen in a while.
  17. Guss De Blöd

    Random Video Thread

    I meant here, not on discord :P But that's ok it was just a joke because everyone talks about people death lately, a french actor also died some days ago ( Michel Galabru ). (to vary on the bowie subject )
  18. Guss De Blöd

    Random Video Thread

    Made me laugh : yeah I know it's supposed to be a david bowie thread now but NOPE. Plus noone cared about Lemmy Kilmister :P
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