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  1. GrammarGestapo

    FPS Gaming Is Dead

    I never liked arena shooters. Prefer something that puts a premium on tactics + teamwork over pure twitch reflexes.
  2. GrammarGestapo

    For you 4/20 types

    We can't do anything about it so do what you want. As long as it isn't directly hindering the efforts of other people in the org or org interests as a whole, have at ye.
  3. GrammarGestapo

    PAX South - TEST And Goons, represent?

    I think what we're going for is more of a "gentleman's agreement" than a true alliance. AT least that was the impression I got. Basically, we want to be friendly with them, but this may not be a mutual defense sort of thing.
  4. GrammarGestapo


    The colors, they burn...
  5. GrammarGestapo

    [PSA] Please screenshot all interactions with poachers.

    Everyone knows about The_Administrator NKAto. He isn't name dropping. At this point it's common knowledge and doesn't need to be protected. No offense, but in this case I really think you're just looking for an excuse to dig at sven.
  6. GrammarGestapo


    my channel is not for GTA. It is for tanks. I am decrying GTA and its heresy.
  7. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    The sound, I'd buy it if only for the sound. Dear god DICE does amazing sound. It's so perfect.
  8. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    I'm the worst kind of heretic. I spent the entirety of yesterday slamming this game and I'm still probably going to buy it :'(
  9. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    I actually really liked the sniper mission, it was pretty cool lol But reading in it looks like they're including bot games :D which is good. Just no conquest campaign :/
  10. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

  11. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    the game prequel stuff is awesome tho Best part of the original Battlefront and BF2
  12. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    Of course I am. I'm bawling my eyes out right now. HUG ME MAN :'(
  13. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    dogfight? I doubt there will be much of that. If X-wings, etc are anything like BF4, there will be a maximum of 2 for each side. Also, it has been confirmed there will be no single player. At all.
  14. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    Got it here I knew they'd fuck this up. You can expect oodles of paid DLC
  15. GrammarGestapo

    New Battlefront trailer!

    Battlefront will have no space battles. It will have no bullet drop. It will take place on 4 planets with 1-3 maps on each. It's reskinned BF4 with an even lower skill ceiling.
  16. GrammarGestapo

    Second Star Wars 7 Trailer Released:

    My body is ready. So ready.
  17. GrammarGestapo

    A wild member appears!

    /spams dusk balls until you run out of stamina and faint yourself by flailing
  18. GrammarGestapo


    Mehhh, I don't get why people like mobas
  19. GrammarGestapo

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    now I understand what you mean. Shot down doesn't sound right when you're talking about a big ass space ship However, Sinking has nothing to do with the size of a ship. It has EVERYTHING to do with PHYSICALLY SINKING . People sink in quick sand, Ships sink in the ocean, Aircraft shot down...
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