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  1. GrammarGestapo

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    PLEASE NKATO, it's no different than saying, "I JUST SUNK THAT MiG 29 FULCRUM AT 26,000 feet"!
  2. GrammarGestapo

    Random image thread

  3. GrammarGestapo

    New FPS mechanics should keep CoD kiddies at bay :)

    this isn't ArmA like, I was pretty disappointed. By "Stances" I thought they meant several, variable height positions so that you can fire over, under, and around obstacles like in ArmA. It's a bit complex, but once you get used to it it's really useful, and the terrain can be made more...
  4. GrammarGestapo

    Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron

    NKato, stop saying sank. Seriously. you can't sink anything in space :/ No offense, but your using that term just annoys me to no end.
  5. GrammarGestapo

    Howdy folks!

    itanium wouldn't run games, hell you wouldn't really run 32bit processes in general. It's not compatible with standard PC architecture, everything would have to be emulated.
  6. GrammarGestapo

    Engineering Society of Drunk Engineers - TEST's very own Engineering Squad

    I already have a pet engineer, but I ned mör :c robotics is hard
  7. GrammarGestapo

    Let's play a Game: Do you know how old my Hearing Aid is?

  8. GrammarGestapo

    TEST Drinking age in UK is 5yo

    Banana is winning. This pleases me.
  9. GrammarGestapo

    Let's play a Game: Do you know how old my Hearing Aid is?

    legally, yes. He can't hear without it.
  10. GrammarGestapo

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    /me desire additional information ~_~
  11. GrammarGestapo

    @[586:@Oberstleutnant] no there is not what are you talking about

    @[586:@Oberstleutnant] no there is not what are you talking about
  12. GrammarGestapo

    TEST BABY BEST BABY -My Little Turret Gunnar

    I vote to name the babe NKato
  13. GrammarGestapo

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    Gladius, super hornet, and banu. Fun, function, and flair in a nice, neat grind-free package.
  14. GrammarGestapo

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    I will buy nothing else. I've spent like 450 dollars on SC. NO MORE!
  15. GrammarGestapo

    probably the best review of elite. which is why sc will surpass it!

    exactly, and that's what will make star citizen fun! Who wants to just fly around to station after station dropping off goods by themselves? I intend to use my banu as a blockade runner to carry all the cargo my pirate brethren "liberate"
  16. GrammarGestapo

    Behring C-778 Ballistic Cannon

    that had better fit on my damn gladius like in the picture.
  17. GrammarGestapo

    probably the best review of elite. which is why sc will surpass it!

    go into mumble and join up in the ED group. We're always flying around bounty hunting and stuff. Cargo is admittedly a really boring way to go about grinding
  18. GrammarGestapo

    Espionage Top Shelf Squadron [Boozers and Schmoozers] TEST Diplomatic Corps

    I think that would depend on just how critical they are to the situation. If we really NEED someone, and he's available, then that should be his priority. However, the advantage of diplomacy is that it can easily be rescheduled in such a low-risk environment as a game. In terms of making...
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