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  1. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Exactly. Also what about those who choose not to have the vaccine for whatever reason, its their choice whether its a rational or irrational decision. It will create inequalities and its not like we already have too much of that already. It was on a morning news show where they asked an...
  2. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    This is a stupid idea, this shows how stupid we are.
  3. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    What in the flip flop, tell ya, us brits will do anything for a party, its cringe sometimes
  4. PeppaPigKilla

    X4 Foundations

    Found a cdkey site where its £23 so I will get it. Thanks
  5. PeppaPigKilla

    X4 Foundations

    Sorry for reviving an old thread but i've been on the fence about this game for a while. Is it now in its current state worth jumping into? have those of you who have been playing it since 2018 feel its worth the price and the expansions ? I need something different from tarkov and something...
  6. PeppaPigKilla

    Aprils Sub Flairs - Star Kitten Armour and Helmets

    I'm now sort of back and forth with some miserable sod who is stating people who like this attire in real life are not taken seriously and it silly and childish is telling me there is no need for name-calling when I called him a miserable sod...
  7. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I've seen some of the videos online and it's shocking, whats sad about this is there will be no repercussions for it either.
  8. PeppaPigKilla

    Aprils Sub Flairs - Star Kitten Armour and Helmets

    Didnt take lone to find a post
  9. PeppaPigKilla

    Aprils Sub Flairs - Star Kitten Armour and Helmets

    I'm totally ready for this... I do enjoy a bit of wtf Also ready for spectrum to be a salt mine right now
  10. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    The UK embarrasses me, these people, and their freedoms....
  11. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    This confuses me, if there is no link why are more countries pausing this vaccine?
  12. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    but these motherfuckers wanted theirs The independent body had recommended keeping the existing method for calculating MPs' pay, which links it to public sector earnings, and could have seen MPs receive an inflation-busting £3,360 pay increase next April. MPs are currently paid £81,932 per...
  13. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    They're really not The current average starting salary for a Band 5 Nurse in the UK is £24,907 per year (minus tax and pensions). This is according to the Agenda for Change, as of April 2020. (That’s the minimum and does not include any allowances or location weighting.) Roughly after all...
  14. PeppaPigKilla

    Ship naming - "my name is..."

    I've only been able to name 2 of my ships Carrack - McShipFaced Star Runner - OverHyped
  15. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    I'm rather pissed about this, not that they're not happy but that the public isn't supporting them. Now here is my view on this. They DO deserve better, people are spewing out shit like " loads of people have lost their jobs and the nurses, etc should be grateful they even have a job" Now...
  16. PeppaPigKilla

    ED: Odyssey first playthrough

    i'm a hard to impress guy and im impressed by this, i did not see any desync, one thing baffles me though, why would anyone play with a joypad
  17. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    Brazil's president is a bit of a bell isnt he
  18. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    oh yes
  19. PeppaPigKilla

    p##sed right off...

    Games a bit balls'd up atm, i personally hate the changes to targetting and the new reticle. I occasionally drop in and try out some bounties etc which are better than they used to be, i've noticed too much QT can break the game so try keeping that to a minimum
  20. PeppaPigKilla

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread

    this is dangerous
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