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  1. glockjs

    New Weapons

    Jimmy rig a size 10 to the can only fire it once and when you do you spin out of control with a loss of power for 2 min lol
  2. glockjs

    This is a funny read

    And these are just the known one's. How deep does this go? How compromised is CIG? Is already too late? Click on these next ad herpe injected slides to find out.
  3. glockjs

    Been awhile...ship help :/

    that's the thing though i got the StarG if i wan't to make cargo runs im the same but that doesn't mean i won't do them. they're usually good for slow and easy money. it's good to have the option when you wanna switch it up.
  4. glockjs

    Been awhile...ship help :/

    yeah i think i'm gonna wait and see what the MIS actually looks like when it comes out and try to fly the others. at this point between the ships i'm looking at i don't think the price is going to change much if at all. i think at this point i'm just trying to figure out my main tooting around ship
  5. glockjs

    Been awhile...ship help :/

    funny you should mention that ship because i was looking at it. with the 40 bucks in the bank i'd be pretty close to it with upgrading the MIS. my only fear is that the connie is too much of a multiplayer ship vs the lancer being more solo friendly or am i wrong in that? that's one of the...
  6. glockjs

    Been awhile...ship help :/

    so i took the input i got from here and switched things around. forgot about the buyback so that helped a lil. found an orion ccu on reddit and applied that to the starfarer i had and bought back a starG. didn't quite understand the store credit thing with buybacks to i'm left with $40 credit...
  7. glockjs

    Been awhile...ship help :/

    looks like most people response is basically wait and see so i think that's what i'm gonna do. thanks everyone. but you pretty much nailed the sentiment that i really don't want to put any more into the game. kinda regret getting this far but i know i'm not the only one haha. like god damn...
  8. glockjs

    Been awhile...ship help :/

    So it has been over 2 years since I've touched the pledge store and I'm sure the meaning behind some of the ships have pivoted since then. So here's a list of my ships and the reasoning I remember buying them: Aurora LX - required for test..blot out the sky 315p - needed some sort of explore...
  9. glockjs


  10. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

    aaannnd we're green again. all systems goooooo
  11. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

    so i bought in recently for a few hundred bucks but i love this god damn shit
  12. glockjs

    dark and light?

    so i've rifled through some games lately and i'm looking for a way to kill time the way i like. i just want an mmo'ish game that i can interact with players and also kill mobs to level and stuff. this game among others looks interesting to me without waiting 6-12 mo. anybody around here have...
  13. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

    a whole bitcoin!? nah more like to say hey right now i'm pushing NEO and iota because of the tech. to say eth and iota will probably win the next round because of the ability to handle tx alone. to say hey this shit is kinda cool and people's reality is about to change for profit or for real...
  14. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

    meme's on the ready. only thing i can come up for 12 is college conf big 12 or pac 12 13th floor or friday the 13th 14 i'm at a loss 15 is quinceanera 16 sweet 16?
  15. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

  16. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

    over 9k was the last good meme......there's nothing but shitty yachts from here on out...NOTHING
  17. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

  18. glockjs

    [SUGGESTION] Crypto Currency

    I think discord and these forums need a place to discuss. This storm has been long over brewing and now at the well curated steps of the ever loving day to day working class. This shit ain't going away. Need a secret safe space to make or make :p
  19. glockjs

    Destiny 2 Interest Thread

    pretty sure i'm done. 4v4 arena is not my idea of end game. where is the massive battleground with vehicles and shit.
  20. glockjs

    Destiny 2 Interest Thread

    came here to kinda ask the same thing. how is everybody organizing for raids? x.O
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