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  1. Accented

    MEDIOCRE! Fix this now TEST, I will help you.

    Welp, in a week I'm headed to somewhere where Google doesn't exist. When will this competition end?
  2. Accented

    MEDIOCRE! Fix this now TEST, I will help you.

    @Salt Lake, are we going to kick this thing off? I count at least eight competitors in this thread already. Unless I can't count, which is totally impossible right???
  3. Accented

    MEDIOCRE! Fix this now TEST, I will help you.

    Just had a thought: wouldn't we be dealing with severe ping issues? What with TEST being international and all.
  4. Accented

    MEDIOCRE! Fix this now TEST, I will help you.

    I'm in, but only if the 1v1s have ship limits.
  5. Accented

    check your email. PTU now open for second round testers

    woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah.
  6. Accented

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    I suggest not playing Vanduul swarm at all, and heading straight into PvP, either free flight for nice 1v1s and maneuvering tips, or Battle Royale for trial by fire. Vanduul Swarm doesn't help much in terms of improving skill (aside from aim). The Vanduul in Swarm are severely nerfed (much less...
  7. Accented

    1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

    Congratz @marcsand2 !
  8. Accented

    Hey guys

    Welcome to TEST! Tell us a bit about yourself. :)
  9. Accented

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    Oh, you're flying with a joystick. :D I'm flying mouse/keyboard and have strafe forward/back bound to the same key as throttle up/down, so throttle is that much more important.
  10. Accented

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    Flying constantly in full throttle makes you overshoot slower ships in PvP. Throttle is definitely not a thing to be ignored.
  11. Accented


    I'm interested. Are you giving out beta keys? :D
  12. Accented

    The Shubin $5 coupons are out.

    OMG thanks! If you ever need a wingman in an exploration fleet I'm available. :D
  13. Accented

    The Shubin $5 coupons are out.

    Valid until June 1, 2016. On a side note, if someone doesn't need their code, can I has? I never got a chance to enter, and really want that 315p.
  14. Accented

    Pimped your spaceship? Lets share information!

    @Sam K Macer, keep in mind that the Avenger will still need to fly close to a capital ship or station. Why? It's a decommissioned carrier based fighter. The predecessor the Hornet superseded. The bed will most likely be used only to save on renting out a room at some station with insane rates.
  15. Accented

    $100 Star Citizen Gift Card Giveaway - Sat May 14 @ 1800 UTC

    @RedLir, do you happen to live in the Pacific Time Zone? I think I've been matched against you a few times in Battle Royale. Also, followed. I look forward to seeing "AccentSeven" being announced as the winner :D
  16. Accented

    More Rumors? Portfolio: 999th Test Squadron!!?

    Old news is old. But still funsies. Que the HEY CIG MADE US CANON!!!
  17. Accented

    1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

    I like TEST because TEST is TEST and not some other org that's not TEST that has rules and other non-TEST things like actual TESTs. TEST is laid back more and have no TESTs and plus it's always fun to TEST those who think TEST is that other TEST for TEST-phobia. Go TEST! I look forward to...
  18. Accented

    Anybody have an Avenger Titan to Reliant Kore CCU?

    I'm looking for the free CCU to the Reliant Kore. All I can offer for your help is some cheap CS:GO skins if you want them. Thanks in advance!
  19. Accented


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