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  1. Texelis

    NightShift Asia, Convict island plus it's Cannibal brothers

    Great idea, we need all hours covered when we acquire our Bengal Carrier! ...or second Carrier as I see we're crashing our first one into a Sun.
  2. Texelis

    Ship upgrade for christmas!

    Wow, mine would never do that. Grats!
  3. Texelis

    I'm going to be a great pilot in Star Citizen

    Haha... Ya I was terrible with my Nano Quad, first flight right into a fountain. Damn near lost her every time I flew her. Glad I didn't jump into the big $$ right away, maybe one day.
  4. Texelis

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas all! I have mine all planned: a little Star Citizen, some Elite Dangerous, too much food, and a bunch of booze. Going to be great.
  5. Texelis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    Wow that's great. I totally didn't see that happening.
  6. Texelis

    Gladius In-Game Footage Revealed:

    Wow, that's sexy. Heh ya the pistol is op, wrecked my delta with 3 shots
  7. Texelis

    New command center

    Nice and clean.
  8. Texelis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    Exactly it. I have one myself, not holding my breath for a CCU.
  9. Texelis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    There won't be any unfortunately. Can't even melt it, comes up as $0 redeemed
  10. Texelis

    I have an announcement to make

    Ya pics or it didn't happen
  11. Texelis

    Upgraded my Rig

    Fraggdya - Nice set up, looks like the wheelstand pro, you can get a joystick mount from them for $10, then build a throttle mount for fairly cheap:
  12. Texelis

    Mustang Enthusiasts Club

    I upgraded my Aurora MR LTI for a Delta. I haven't been able to log in yet though to see it :(
  13. Texelis

    a a arg! PTU sign up come and gone
  14. Texelis

    Made the front page of

    ED is worth a pick up, as long as you don't expect the world. I treat it like a single player game, with the occasional semi exciting run-ins with real people. If you hang out in the more populated systems you'll see more people... but for what really? I'm not sure. What elite is good for, or...
  15. Texelis

    ED: Everything An Explorer Could Want

    I've only had one myself. Oddly enough I didn't keep on the blue escape vector at all and I still evaded. I picked up a fuel scoop before I logged out, never used one in beta/gamma. Looking forward to really getting lost in the black next time I can play.
  16. Texelis

    ED: Everything An Explorer Could Want

    I've got the explorer bug too, so I picked the Cobra Mk III with explorer package as my starter. Put me on the edge of explored space apparently. I'm having fun cruising around, scanning systems and running a bit of cargo here and there. I'm not too deep, I missed launch and haven't had a free...
  17. Texelis

    Well, well, well, look who's no. 1!

    Very cool! Grats man
  18. Texelis

    Made the front page of

    Nice, grats to you and BNB!
  19. Texelis

    Voice Acting

    Nice man, grats!
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