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  1. Eiyron

    Proposal For Test Racing Division Intro

    Re-Uploaded* Updated Test Team Racing Logo to 1080p@60 FPS Render. Set Eagle's Eyes to Strobe Cut Extra 30 seconds of Black screen Footage on the end Thanks Loteus !!
  2. Eiyron

    Proposal For Test Racing Division Intro

    i just finished working on a concept of how we're going to do one for Test's Combat Division. Important parts are missing though. We need a Sub name for that Division and a Sub Logo. Both should have a TEST Squardon Theme to them. :)
  3. Eiyron

    Proposal For Test Racing Division Intro

    :D so far, everybody likes it !! Thank you for the feedback guys :)
  4. Eiyron

    Proposal For Test Racing Division Intro

    :D thanks !! loving the positive feedback !! might Make part 2 sometime in the future. I also submitted it for "Wonderful Wold of Star Citizen" I hope it gets Featured :)
  5. Eiyron

    Proposal For Test Racing Division Intro

    Thanks for the Praise ^^
  6. Eiyron

    Proposal For Test Racing Division Intro

    Proposal for "Test Team Racing" intro Video 720p @ 60 FPS 1080p @ 60 FPS are available Credits: Actors / Racers - Myre Shive Eiyron - Directing, Editing and Cameras Vapsyvox - Made Test Team Racing Logo Loteus - Animated Test Team Racing Logo Thanks to Montoya for providing the Animated...
  7. Eiyron

    Searching for badass AC footage

    Deleted : Double Post - my bad >.> was trying to edit
  8. Eiyron

    Searching for badass AC footage

    Myre Race Footage "Mustang Omega" Shive Race Footage "Origin 350R" Shive FPS Footage Vanduul Swarm, all test members "Origin 350R" For Ripping youtube Videos : "needs Java to work" They're all over 17 seconds but they all might have some potential highlight that you...
  9. Eiyron

    350R Mating Ritual

    Here we see the 350R in its natural habitat. Shive Demonstrates its Mating Ritual
  10. Eiyron

    Just a warning those unfamiliar with trading

    Suggest you contact Concierge or CS IMMEDIATELY. you never know, they might help you out
  11. Eiyron

    i want to join the organization

    A SPY!!
  12. Eiyron


    And Still Twitch Drops My Frames!! >=(
  13. Eiyron


    I hear Everybody Here likes Speed Tests.... ?? :) ok... that fake... Here's my real Speedtest
  14. Eiyron

    I made the first TESTball comic! Check it out! (credit to Riekopo for the idea)

  15. Eiyron

    Arena Commander 1.1.0 Summary

    Thanks!! I got it From experience!! :D
  16. Eiyron

    Arena Commander 1.1.0 Summary

    Saw this Video, Just had to share it :)
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