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  1. Schmunkel

    Concern increasing that Alpha 2.0 will not be this year and what that means for SC

    Title says it all. Getting this in our hands(not just on the PTU) as soon as possible will do a lot to quell the worries about the game and boost funding significantly. I hope they can pull it off for everyone's sake.
  2. Schmunkel

    WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!! Window stickers and Ship Raffle: Round 2!!!

    The next person can make it ongoing.
  3. Schmunkel

    WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!! Window stickers and Ship Raffle: Round 2!!!

    CaptainRichard caressed Montoya's beautiful oiled TESTies.
  4. Schmunkel

    Jump size speculation for ships

    I'm hoping this is something we can get ironed out once Alpha 2.0 expands to multiple systems in 2018.
  5. Schmunkel

    Jump size speculation for ships

    I was honestly hoping the Cutlass would be in the small category to give it a slight smuggler/precious cargo edge over the Freelancer, but most folks think it is a medium jump ship so I left it there.
  6. Schmunkel

    Jump size speculation for ships

    I posted this same thread on reddit, however, I wanted to also post it here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As someone looking into hauling/smuggling, I wanted to speculate on what size...
  7. Schmunkel

    Star Citizen concerns? Nope! (Video)

    I do think the Alpha 2.0 needs to hit before the end of the year to settle things down. Sooner would be even better.
  8. Schmunkel

    Find us a Home! TEST HQ

    This thread ( had some good 2D maps with jump size limitations. I have also attached the map they updated. I really helps you understand how the medium and small jump points can gain you a travel advantage.
  9. Schmunkel

    Transport TEST Logistics Corps - All your Hauling & Transport Needs

    Sign me up as I plan to help the miners with this too. I like the solo plan you outlined. How does smuggling factor into all of this? I like the idea of sneaking in illicit goods for my fellow members. I even think non-hauler specific ships like the Cutlass may be great for this.
  10. Schmunkel


    I need more SOTS ointment to help with my growing CONCERN!!!
  11. Schmunkel

    Smuggling Sooo, Smuggling?

    As a current Cutlass Black owner, I too am interested to see if my Cutlass would be a good smuggler in the small/fast category. I am leaning towards a Freelancer Max CCU, but I am curious to see the Cutlass after the re-design. I think it could be a good "first ship" for me in the verse as it...
  12. Schmunkel

    Proposed org structure?

    Sweet, thanks!
  13. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 11 is here!

    Sweet! I look forward to having our glorious leader speak my name on an update. I hope for something like "Thanks to Schmunkel for forcing us to initiate our Idris officer-only rental policy after he crashed one into a moon."
  14. Schmunkel

    Proposed org structure?

    I admit I have only just started digging into this section, but I was wondering if we had an initial planned structure once the beta/full game gets rolling? I know we will have the different fleets for mining, hauling, fighting, exploring, and more, however, are we borrowing the structure(1...
  15. Schmunkel

    State of the Squadron 11 is here!

    Once this becomes more of a game, even in beta, can we expect more frequent SOTS videos? *Crosses fingers*
  16. Schmunkel

    October Merlin P-52 giveaway! (TEST main members only!)

    Awesomedude is awesome! It's right there in his name!
  17. Schmunkel

    GTX 970 good enough for Star Citizen? (video)

    Glad the upgraded system is working out so well! I am waiting to upgrade once SC is closer to release as I am also wanting to run a VR setup. Any issues with Windows 10 and SC or with joysticks?
  18. Schmunkel

    SOTS [CONCERN] - With Pictures

    Threads like this are one of the many reasons I love this organization.
  19. Schmunkel

    Starcraft Legacy of the Void Beta - anyone else in it?

    I played a bit last night and everyone in at this stage appears to be 100 times better than I am, and I can't play just versus the AI to practice.
  20. Schmunkel

    Starcraft Legacy of the Void Beta - anyone else in it?

    It is the next Starcraft 2 expansion, and Blizzard picks you at random to be in it.
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