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  1. CRISS9000

    How should CIG deal with toxic players and harassment outside of the game?

    the term "harassment" needs to have a good definition first. I know it's complex, but it needs to be clear and non-abuseable. keep in mind that CIG have had false positives in the past for harassment and some players were falsely accused and received warnings for doing nothing that was wrong.
  2. CRISS9000


    I reckon modularity might come with both swapping and dropping, and possibly re-attaching as well. but at the very least, judging by what I've seen in SC since late 2015 until now, modularity will come in the form of swapping the modules on the carrack, caterpillar and whatever other ship is...
  3. CRISS9000


    and that's something that can be considered a balancing act based on a philosophy of tradeoffs. it /should/ be more awkward to use, and /should/ be a lot less efficient than the Odyssey's built-in mining gear.
  4. CRISS9000


    the prospector's mining rig can fit in a carrack's module pod at least 2 if not 3 times.
  5. CRISS9000

    The single greatest video on star citizen ever made.

    that's just the human condition. the age of AI is going to be... "interesting".
  6. CRISS9000


    I'm hoping for a mining module and a refining module for quant.
  7. CRISS9000


    the carrack has been this way since its release, and it will stay like this for quite a few more years. don't get your hopes up.
  8. CRISS9000


    Fly Awesome!
  9. CRISS9000

    Shit new applicants are saying

    soon enough you'll get that mythical and elusive Streamer Privilege.
  10. CRISS9000


    welcome. your TEST standard issue Aurora is in the mail.
  11. CRISS9000

    Shit new applicants are saying

    now that's a meme I haven't seen in a long time. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) like a moth to a flame.
  12. CRISS9000

    SC science: can soft-killed ships be repaired back into full-function? and a call for further testing.

    with that statement given by CIG staff, some people took up the task of testing this. and perhaps unsurprisingly, the result is a failure. but if you know science, you know that more testing is required, and the tests shown above have some test cases missing, such as: - server hopping, to...
  13. CRISS9000

    Hello hej hej from Sweden

    welcome. your TEST standard issue Aurora is in the mail.
  14. CRISS9000

    A new scourge is upon the land!

    I got a CCU for the MB (Magnetic Basket) version, which comes with a tractor beam and a cargo box in the back, using store credit. I'm also looking forward to hearing about the Drake Holder, rumor says it's a trash bin that you can use in combination with the Pyro RYT multitool and TruHold...
  15. CRISS9000

    Avenger One: "the F8C Lightning is NOT overpowered"

    the F8 is very powerful, as was intended. it is exactly as powerful as it was meant to be. it is incorrect to say that it is overpowered, as the massive firepower is balanced by slow pitch & yaw making it difficult to keep the nose on smaller targets. it does well against targets of similar...
  16. CRISS9000

    Avenger One: "the F8C Lightning is NOT overpowered"

    both pilots here seem to be quite skilled.
  17. CRISS9000

    Avenger One: "the F8C Lightning is NOT overpowered"

    if anything, it's the Fury that's overpowered 😸 I would like to see other snubs and also lightnings versus vanguards. Edit: changed the video ID because A1 deleted and re-uploaded the video.
  18. CRISS9000

    3.21.1 Shadow Patch Notes

    tested and confirmed: NPC bodies and other items will fall through bunker elevators. every single time. placing an item on Bunker elevator floor makes it disappear - Star Citizen - Issue Council
  19. CRISS9000

    Gatac Syulen first look!

    Soylen is forever stuck in my head now and will never get out. Never really liked aliens anyway.
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